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  1. topic name^ if you put any skin on Kingdom - it will use wrong reload animation (for some reason)
  2. critical stuff (security) gets instant fixes, this one they probably preparing something for christmas
  3. aha, yeah... https://www.waveform.com/tools/bufferbloat?test-id=1d1967bc-502f-459e-af1c-127ee14d7abe
  4. so, based on those changes, can Hazardous get the same treats? (open slot would be nice to have, at least)
  5. kidi


    Current live build & latest OTW available. Firework Launcher is not getting filtered under Secondary Weapons on Marketplace. Yet, you can't filter it
  6. Changing those two (both sides) undestroyable glass panels to a non see-through variants will shift the balance back from the defending team. Attacking team will have more temporary cover and defending team will be needed to expose itself to gather information.
  7. This long corridor gives advantage for defending side. Removing this fence or adding more static objects both sides, which can allow both factions an ability to cross the fence 'animation-less' will be a good thing.
  8. Build https://imgur.com/a/Rx6xJeQ An extra invisible walls added which are incorrectly positioned.
  9. Long-Range Rifling, Muzzle Brake (both variants), Suspension Tuning, Display Banner mods are missing from JT store
  10. Same stuff for Mobile Cover. For all of the JT leaseable mods, only Mobile Cover has R40 restriction
  11. 7-day & permanent variants of Firebomb can be merged now under single purchase button, like a new Sundown car.
  12. Build For some reason, only Showstopper 'Quickdraw' has R40 limit. Every single other gun from Wilde has no rating limit.
  13. ha! we, linux enthusiasts, are so minor - we don't deserve any attention. we are the just a white noise.
  14. i would not waste my time posting this if it only happend in the design editor... but it is the most intense & easier to reproduce and demonstrate.
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