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  1. I have been somewhat able to reliably guess which gun is based upon what, however I am not sure what SG-21 heavy shotgun is based upon. My best guess is KS-23, as both guns share a naming style of two letters - two numbers, and gun description having "'Strife' can use the largest, meanest shells around." which implies larger calibre, but the gun itself doesn't really look like KS-23 at all. Does anyone know?
  2. ALIG 762 is in a bad state - the weapon is just not capable to fullfill its role. Compared to the SHAW 556 it performs worse on every front - slow firerate, high weight, bad accuracy at all ranges(exept medium), and high recoil. It's only upside is hard damage, however even that feels useless, considering any rocketlauncher or a grenade would do a better job, as explosive damage passes through Steel Plating Mod. It would be a plus if you could shoot this weapon out of a car, therefore giving it an upper edge over other hard damage weapons, but its not, therefore its almost completly useless. The way to buff it would probably be increasing it's maximum accuracy, making it viable at longer ranges and maybe buffing it's soft damage to make it a 4 shot kill. Its a heavy machinegun for christ's sake, why it takes the same amount of shots to kill as PMG's tiny bullets?
  3. Now that all deployables have a countdown after which they poof out of existence (or blow up like the ammo box), can we get some indicator of how much time do these deployables have? Like a timer under your crosshair, which you can see if you look at it? This would at least tell you for how much longer does this deployable will continue to exist.
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