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Posts posted by Ch1ck

  1. LOL at several people in this thread casually confessing to cheating / using cheats previously.


    On the more serious note:

    Why isn't there a system where, if a player receives a dozen of reports from a dozen of different players in a span of 30-60 minutes or whatever, they get temporarily banned from matchmaking / missions / game / whatever, and GMs get notified to take a look at the case and act upon it.

    • Like 1

  2. 3 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    I think Matt waits til there's something to update us on.

    So, they achieved and did nothing for past month? Not anything worth sharing? A newly rendered sphere or whatever? Great.

    2 hours ago, guren said:

    not a good sign, as the OP was suggesting, like watching a rerun of an old cartoon... we all know what happens next

    Yes, stinks on the intentional ghosting and soon-to-bail-out period. Too bad.

    1 hour ago, cowhorseman said:

    you people have faith like a heretic in 1512

    I pop up here and there, but it's going away.

  3. 5 hours ago, AxeTurboAgresor said:

    Google wont show you everything. Not talking only about Chinese websides, but even "inconvenient" websides wont show up when you search them.

    We had a lot of problems with google censoring Renegade X webside, so I bet many Chinese websides are not supported.

    Yup, but let's show Best Gore which has mutilation, suicides, murders, tortures, freak accidents 🙂


    Google indexing FTW.


    (bit off-topic)

  4. This apology loop seems to have become a common practice.


    Why don't you, instead, tell us: "Hey, this and that gonna release in September or whatever month, so we can manage to finish and polish everything". Then, when and if you're done sooner, you release it immediately and everyone is happy. This announcing, testing, scheduling then delaying has no point anymore.


    My 2 cents.

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  5. On 3/6/2019 at 7:04 AM, Salvick said:

    How many millions, if not billions of players are in the world and what are the chances that in a game with ~600 players two of them will be neighbors? Yeah well, probably someone who actually brought a neighbor friend to play the game, but I'm quite sure cheaters cheat because they don't have friends, and if they do then there are way higher chances that they both cheat if they are neighbor friends than chances of "accidentally" banning a neighbor of a cheater...  lol


    In a small community of a game I used to play years ago where we had some issues with a couple of cheaters easily ban-evading when there was even hwid and mac bans on place, the only way and the only time we finally managed to stop a known cheater from keep re-rolling and ruining the game was with an IP range ban. There was someone who then tried to reach the community admins because of this, they almost lift that IP range ban because of him but finally figured, thanks to collected data, that both guys knew each other because they shared login credentials/PC so there were logs from both guys on a same IP and MAC address.

    There is a packet named HARDWARE_INFO that gets sent during the login into the APB. That packet contains data about every hardware in your PC that the game can retrieve. It depends how they use this data, though from what I've seen there was never a HWID or a similar "tougher" ban issued here. It's also easy to spoof if you know what you're doing, but since the actual playerbase is little I doubt someone would care to make a spoofer.


    Bottom line, they just need to use the data that they already have had for long time.

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