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Posts posted by Resine

  1. Right know the entire economy is fucked, all the weapon prices dropped and I doubt it will recover since it's much easier and much more warranted to obtain one, making power boxes rewards even more exclusive.

    Why didn't you add them as well - since basically they are gambling rewards, from the boxes you can no longer buy or obtain?

  2. 16 minutes ago, Kiida said:

    If you've been unable to make $12m in APB since 2013 I don't know what to say. I have the same join date as you and earned easily 5x that amount through missions and FC alone.
    There was also a time when the FFA dropped to $6m in price after a flood of power JMB giveaways.

    If you play without premium if you take away mission expenses like car spawning ammo weapon leases and what not. You would soon realize that you are about even each round. Sometimes more sometimes less. 

    Based on my kill count I would say I played around 8000 matches, with average of 1000$ profit that's not much. Considering I am not much social person, having one theme, 2 symbols and 1 plain black car I have around 7m$. If I could get 120% more from base value and save it. I would easily have 4 times that amount. 

  3. On 6/19/2020 at 7:21 PM, Noob_Guardian said:

    while there has been an increase in FAR usage, it is still much less than the amount of NTEC's in game.

    Well, N-tec is free, and most people have 2-3 reskins of it from various events and what not. I tested out FAR, I think tap fire is about the same, it felt like you are worse on burst firing since the weapon takes longer to recover it's bloom than N-tec does and mag is smaller, but in return you have less recoil, better base accuracy, less bloom, less maximum bloom.

    I did enjoy it for a while, but now is gone pufff..

  4. To be honest, engine update is what doomed APB, for couple of years now, there are bugs, issues, imbalances of various kinds, thousands of community ideas, propositions, expectations that are not fulfilled because of "team being busy working on the update", while the players pool diminishes each and every day.

    Say, you deliver it, the game will feel smoother and I will get few extra FPS, it doesn't look that much better than RTW looked like and the core of game mechanics won't change for years to come, since you will be busy fixing thousands of issues after the patch.

    Looking from times perspective, I would rather have current engine that is patched to community carefully filtered demands and expectations, with fluid patches that take care of bugs, issues, complaints and bring balance across the board, and some day switch to new Engine, rather than play this shit that hasn't seen major patch in AGES, while we wait for miraculous engine update for years to come.

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  5. 40 minutes ago, GhosT said:

    I'm still questioning why you can resupply at anything that isn't an ammo box or a joker machine.

    I mean. I don't mind you taking bullets. With how dynamic spots are that's a good change if you are using ammo hungry weapon, it helps the flow of the game. Otherwise you would be forced to use ammo box at all times. 

    Making nades into 1 minute CD ability would be awesome, but it's not something that will ever happen i suppose. 

  6. 21 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Change grenades to a cooldown system, instead of the current ammo system. You get one grenade, which is refreshed after a set period of time. This would be significantly easier to balance, since you don't have to worry about ammo supplier abuse (which is the core issue that makes explosives in general so imbalanced).

    I would love that too. And would be much more competitive since you could time your opponents CD times, but I am afraid that lesser skill player with down vote shit out of your idea. 

  7. I miss old cheaters. Brainless shawcoppters and a speed runners. However trash they were at least they were trolling the shit out of everyone and themselves not like people these days hiding their cheats to boost the ego. 


    I think it's stupid to use something that didn't work in the past. So I assume it's the money issue. 

  8. 6 hours ago, EvaPooh said:

    Some of the legendary guns have unique skins, but they let you hide them and use a blank version. Would be awesome to see the Ursus with the Koi skin.

    Well I get why Golden Osmaw has to be gold. But default skin of ursus is so ugly...

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