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Posts posted by Resine

  1. It's quite self explanatory,


    So then we attempted to work out a reduction in pricing. But we couldn't come to a compromise

    Client side EAC was doing more wonderful things for this piece of shit game than all the other antycheats combined, for me it was priceless time I enjoyed the game with EAC onboard. But if it's too expensive for LO then we can't do anything.

  2. 10 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:

    APB was built from day 1 to be enforcer vs crim. not just the lore but the whole thing.

    That is not correct, but you might not play back in RTW times.


    From 2014 to 2020, the amount of quality changes:

    - Trade system

    - Spotter nerf

    - NHVR changes - Some might not like it, but I think it was move in right direction as the weapon is still usable, but is not dominant.

    - N5/P5 system removal

    - EAC introduction

    Did I miss any? Don't think so.

    I don't know the exact development plans for APB, the reality is, that the game is misery with eol status for over a half decade with many things to fix.

    What Engine update will bring is an expansion possibility, that was not the biggest issue APB had in 2013-2014. Creating this thread I wanted make a valid point, that delaying entire engine update for a year or two, to patch what can be patched, balance what can be balanced to make quality changes to issues that are complained about frequently, could potentially keep players base and the game itself in much better, healthier condition.

    It would be logical outcome, we did everything we could, the content is finished, the game is in the best place it could be, we can't do no more, time to go quiet for few years and give this game new life with expansion of engine update. Instead, G1 was like fuck feedback, fuck players, fuck balance, let's make joker boxes, let's pretend we do Engine update while we don't do shit except the sales, let's milk cash and pack our bags before train crashes - it's literally what happened.

    I don't think people realize current time line.

    How long do you think it will take for engine to be fully released and free of majority of Bugs/Lags/Crashes/Issues?

    Great, now how long do you think it will take to balance fucking everything? Spawns/Maps/Matchmaking/Weapons/Mods/Cars/Missions/Useables?

    Great, now we can think about new content for the game, assuming there are people left. Turf wars anyone?

  3. 15 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:

    Matchmaking has a pool of 40 people in its current state so tell me then how would YOU fix it without the engine upgrade since you just claimed it can be without it?


    How would YOU do gun balancing and fix the guns that have been broken and add in new maps and events to keep the game alive with the current engine only allowing so much before it breaks again?


    How would YOU change maps for new events and how to go about it when anything changed had to be rotated in and also tended to break APB in unexpected ways?


    And how would what YOU want be more important than new content that any gamer would want ( hundreds of games make new content for a reason - too keep and also bring in players )


    And by all means say how YOU say it is better than the engine upgrade that will help with all of this in better ways ( like phasing for a massive pool for matchmaking )




    And lets not forget the coding for APB is so old and unencrypted that people can make cheat programs easily but with the new engine can make that harder if not impossible for many ( it wont be all someone sooner or later can/will ) to make cheats with  proper encrypting and other means Little Orbit mentioned in the past. 

    Let's think what fucked Matchmaking in the first place -  Hard Gold Lock that killed quite a number of population as well - After that people never went back to Gold districts and now they can't even if they wanted to. Why did it happened? Because at some point of the game, trash players thought that dethreathing and playing on lower instances for easy matches is better than trying to get better and playing against other players. What could G1 do to prevent that?

    First of all, higher rewards. Personally I would lower Cash and standing rewards on bronze and silver districts by significant amount so people would have to play harder mission to get better rewards.

    Further I would award only JT for Gold districts.

    Allow Crim vs Crim and Enf vs Enf cross mission would double the district pool players.

    MAP WAS CHANGED ALREADY - I said it twice if I am not mistaken that in the past we had map changes that fixed some truly OP spots. I said nothing about new events.

    Gun/Cars/Mod changes are all numerical values changed - easy and quick to do. It's time worthy to think and balance them correctly.

    Also, it's a mere 0,5 switch in engine status. I assure you, that it's old already and broken into billion peaces, that it will make to difference to cheat creators.

  4. 16 hours ago, 404 said:

    proper balance doesn't require 2.1 to do, although frankly i don't believe orbit is capable of doing it on either engine



    Thank you. I am afraid you are right though.

    10 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:

    Resine was not just talking about gun balancing in itself , but new content including maps , bug fixes , matchmaking , pretty much anything and everything else that comes after a new engine upgrade to be able to do all of that. you can not put the cart before the horse.


    Did you even read what I said? Anything except advanced new content can be added to the current engine update.

    In case you don't remember.

    Balance is about changing numeric values mostly.

    Map changes can be also made as it was proven years ago with some minor adjustments.

    Matchmaking could be tweaked too to certain degree.


  5. On 7/5/2020 at 1:42 PM, Fortune Runner said:

    Please understand that a vast majority of us can tell you do not know anything about programming and how it works.


    Also please understand that a beta means it is not a finished product and will have problems ESPECIALLY when the community ( us players ) told Little Orbit to go ahead anyways with the testing even though we knew there WOULD DEFINITELY be problems


    And furthermore please understand that the community ( once again us players ) already explained more than enough times the past two years that WITHOUT AN ENGINE UPGRADE , APB PROBLEMS CAN NOT BE FIXED WHICH IS WHY IT IS A PRIORITY


    On a personal observation , you keep putting the cart before the horse in your arguments and in doing so your suggestions/opinions could not possibly be done.



    Using "majority of us, community, us players" does not make your point valid.

    Also, it's you who is rather clueless. Most of things I pointed out are balance issues, that needed some testing and changes in numeric values so they game could be in healthier shape during literally EOL while team focused all their effort on engine update - Assuming they added 20 brand new weapon from joker boxes that were buffed and nerfed left and right, I don't think it's something that cannot be done without engine update.

    I will tell you in a way that even middle class monkey could understand,

    APB most complained problems were cheaters, lack of any balance regardless any part of the game(cars, mods, weapons, missions, timers, you name it), poor servers, matchmaking and lack of new content.

    Out of all these things we got better servers, that's it. All the balance issues could be fixed, probably even matchmaking could be improved to some degree, but nothing changed.

    Since end of 2013 when Engine Update was announced, the game turned into a bloody sinking ghost ship, that occasionally got a new JokerBox gun, minor changes here and there and broken things, that made things even more unbalanced.

    Then we had DDOS issues, weird DDOS protection that caused warping, going underground, stutter lags, high MS, hard Gold lock, all crazy shit that made more harm than good.

    We got screwed with PS4 release, but hey what's done is done.

    5 years later LO takes over,  2 years later we got first Open Beta test, that has MASSIVE performance issues, when there is more than 30 players. Here's the catch, when I do point it out, people say "man it's beta, it's supposed to be like that, yada yada yada" I could understand if it was early alpha 5 years ago, but not now after all this time, after I read through all the magical charts that promised god's performance, that are worthless toilet paper now.


    The game hit 10 years mark, it's golden age lost forever, I do believe that one day engine will hit the servers if the game will live long enough, but look at current status

    We lost anty-cheat that actually worked, balance of any kind is non existing, playerbase is so poor, that there is no hope for any kind of matchmaking. About engine update time line - my best guess is that if we will get working Asylum and Social at the end of the year, that would be great, maybe it will be finally implemented in 2021? Then bugs will happen, issues it's inevitable, time will be need to sort all this crap.

    And then finally, developers will start fixing the game, but I am sure except matchmaking it won't happen. I am quite positive that they will push new content to attract players rather than fix what's broken.


    I don't know how it was from their perspective, but with amount of shit they got from players and the fact that they packed their bags and left when realized there's not much cash to milk I assume it didn't work well for them.

    From my perspective, of a player that spent thousands hours with friends playing the game. I would enjoy it much more with frequent balance updates, rather than play EOL game for half a decade with promised neverland that might never come.


    I do know that LO tried their hardest to go through these hard times and I want this game to shine and live more than any other, I am full of doubts that this game get it's 2nd life.

  6. On 7/1/2020 at 11:12 PM, DiBBz said:

    i've played the game for 4k+ hours and have played since closed beta for months at a time on and off through out the years since the game went open. im very well aware whats wrong with the game.. don't sit there and say i don't know.. you're absolutely daft if you assume anything other than the engine upgrade is the real reason why the game is in your definition "shit" if you find it shit why you here.

    the engine upgrade needs to come ASAP otherwise coding for the game is going to get more hectic. scaling opportunity for the game wont improve. and more importantly easier debugging and engine tools will be available to use. you act like you've been waiting over a decade.. content isn't going to streamline or improve your performance on the PS4. or the xbox.

    did you play when APB came out of closed beta testing.. and it had absolutely 0 anti cheat software running for a good 6 months... your priorities are so wrong is baffling! 

    Why I still play? I just join here and there for few rounds with 1-2 friends where we mostly talk over Voip and pop some kills laughing at what's left of APB.


    I had a very clear priorities how to handle this game from the moment I played first time during RTW times and that did not change after 5k hours:


    Core functions:

    High quality anti-cheat - that we almost had but lost it,

    High quality servers - It was a true clusterfuck with G1, we started at shit servers, then we had DDOS, we were fucked over with Overkill... But I think what we have now is quite playable actually.

    Mission balance - don't even try to tell me that objectives position, mission duration, mission type, executing task duration, final stages, running at last minute and what not are in any way balanced,

    Weapon balance - I hate current ideology with high RNG weapons, and even after that there are clear superior weapons and trash tier with almost nothing in-between,

    Map balance - There was this massive thread years ago, about possible solution to fixing camp spots all around Finacial and Waterfront, that was just barely a tip of an iceberg of possible solution to avoid heavy spot advantage.

    Re-spawn system - Oh boy, this one is heavy one, I think we almost had it, but car spawners fucked it up. I mean personally all I ever asked about was that the spawn points were objective related with differentiated distance in accordance to objective type. Meaning for an example, if defenders could never spawn closer than 200meters from the objective to avoid "endless fightclub" attackers should spawn around 120m or so, with evening it out during final stages like takeouts. Obviously with other type of missions with no objectives, it would be players that defined "no spawn range", finally featuring that the spawns always happen on the opposite world direction cycling 15 degrees clock-wise every x amount of time, to assure that we never cross paths on the spawn, to make siding somehow equal, to provide people with possibility to predict opponent spawn point instead of it being full random. I mean, how many times did you kill a guy while flanking around the building to get rest of the team only to die from the guy you killed in the first place 10 seconds later, because he had lucky spawn healthy 130meters from objective, meaning 90m or so from you shooting quick 2 NHVR rounds in your back?

    Mod balance - I think there are mods that should never be in the game, like Car Bomb - guy chasing you around in his Tank on suicide mission you can't easily destroy killing you with single button press if he happened to be dying? High Fuel is what started entire cargameplay together with 4v4 that exists only to milk money from players, blow torch that can overfix almost anygun, use-able items that you can't really use because you never get enough of them from the mission, with only balanced one and use worthy being satchel charge, while shield is just broken. Almost instantly deployed  - peak a boo style handy wall that needs like 3 or 4 clips from average gun to be destroyed? Obviously our favorite legal wallhack - Spotter savior of the all.

    Matchmaking - this one is a tough nut, You had a game with high skill gap between any given level, low player pool, small districts, and trash abusing any system that was ever created to sort it out.

    Years ago I offered, that the rewards standing/ $$ / JT / G1 should be given in accordance to district thread level, so players would actually try to get them instead of hard locking them what's half killed this game in the past. Also, enf vs enf, crim vs crim could double potential player pool and could easily fit into the lore of APB, but well we will never know now.

    Performance - I assume, the old engine was too limited to do anything about it. But I would love to look into what can be made to help players with low gaming configs.


    Bonus function:

    ARMAS - The game can't live on pennies alone, we would need some fresh juice to the store to keep living, cars, guns(carefully here, not 20 different boxes), outfits.


    Boom - All these points, if I was responsible for keeping this game alive, I would use the first 1-2 years of this game to focus solely on these points, to make the game clean of trash and anything that might be annoying to deal with. So people would enjoy it more, they would stay longer, and hopefully threw some cash to keep it going.


    While having all that accomplished, hopefully majority of players relatively happy, the time would come for the game expansion and there it is, a time to introduce Engine Upgrade, that is needed to further improve the game and add new and fresh content for years to come.


    Now, why did I said that Engine is the worst that happened to APB? Because even if it was needed timing was not in our favor. The game was left in pile of shit for years, with absolutely nothing, no major fixing, balance providing patch of any kind that didn't improve game experience, if anything made it worse, because if G1 added some shit they never changed/fixed/removed it in favor of how badly it merged with the game.


    Look what we got, a 10 years old game with thousands of issues, problems, bugs that await miraculous Engine Update - that's locked behind soon-tm, the last beta relieving major performance issues no where near ready to be introduced, and even if it did hit the servers this year hopefully speaking. Devs would need another years to fix all the issues I mentioned, before we could even think about new content and all that with what? Last time I checked during peak times I could play at single Silver district with 80 people?


    I love the lore of the game, the idea of gameplay entire world building and semi-competitive matches, but I hate what's become of it, with so much wasted potential, by the company that cared about money and had no clue or interest in keeping it running and now LO, trying to salvage whatever scraps they were leftover.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Nabiki said:

    So Let me say this if you experienced low FPS and you have a machine 9 years or older you are most likely not going to see frames above 20-60.   So perhaps you may wish to upgrade your hardware, after that it comes down to how many people are on the server, and how good the isp you have between you and the server are.

    I run the game on NVMe SSD with I7 - 7700k OC(4.9Ghz), water cooled at 32GB RAM with RTX 2080, with Optic fiber ISP, cable, high quality router connected.

    Who the hell told you that I run the game at 9 years or older machine? Sadly, I couldn't test FPS because they login was fucked up,

    But what I have seen from people that did stream and my friends with quite similar build, once district got some players in there was massive performance issue.

    Again, I do know it was BETA, but we are quite late in the game atm and I simply have HIGH DOUBTS, that LO can fix this at all, and I am quite sure they won't be able to make that FIX quickly.


    Like, look at the current time line, It's the end of June, new engine performance is bananas, nowhere near launch ready and we talk about small Asylum map with limited player pool, all I am saying that "weeks" are hugely overestimated timeline and if this build will be released without resolving the performance issues, it would be another heavy nail into APB's coffin.

  8. 7 hours ago, Sniperturtle said:

    Yeah, that'd be very easy to fix actually. Keep players segregated based on their experience and skill level. And make kills the most dominant factor in threat determination.

    You can't make a matchmaking with 300 players.

    We have, Wizards>High Golds>Golds>Low golds>Gold/Silver>Gold wannabe>Silver and all the way to new players.

    Then we have 2-3-4 People grouping vs 4-3-2 up till solo play. You can't balance that shit with a pool of 300, where each factor like the group count, skill, amount of people, mission type each plays a role in the matchmaking, there is simply not enough of pawns to make everyone happy.


  9. 3 hours ago, Gusvato3080 said:

    you know, there is this box in the settings called "smooth framerate" that caps your fps to 62.

    At least in my game it was checked by default


    2 hours ago, Snubnose said:

    turn off v-sync and smooth framerate to unlock FPS above 60.


    ... I don't even know want to say to this,..

    2 hours ago, Thornecroft said:

     however it's not like OP isn't true in what he is saying.

    Thank you,


    It bothers me, because when I go through Matt's thread about the engine, he got some 150+FPS charts, when in reality there was half of this on the district with 20-30 people, and I do wonder what's the cause of huuuge error in their data vs real test? Also it's an Open Beta stage ffs, soon to be released has major issue with performance and I get down voted for pointing this shit out?

    If this shit won't get resolved and they go live with 60FPS game on high end specs, it's as good as dead for me.

    Since I don't know the cause of the issue, pretty sure they don't know it either since they didn't fix it yet, I have really low expectation for a miraculous fix that will boost performance 3 times, so the new Engine will catch up to the old one.

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  10. 22 hours ago, jerycho said:

    Hopefully it works in beta but I feel like mentioning it here will help too. I have problem running 1.2 client as BE kicks me from in-game for autoit/ahk when I never had either installed and even after troubleshooting for a while and yeeting most of my usual background programs I was unable to stay in social district for more than 3-5 mins. Specific detailed info about the bg programs I was running should be in bug report section of forum.

    Do you have any software, that potentially can cause the issues?

  11. Could someone please explain what is going on? Let's ignore login issues what's done is done, maybe next one we will get to test it ourselves.

    But, from the people that did got in, they had around 60FPS on high end gaming setups, wherever there were people around them with massive drop to 20FPS when anyone joined district,

    but scrolling through Matt's threads, there are lots of charts of 150+ FPS, so did something broke? Or we are lied again about the actual performance?


    I do know it was a BETA, to test things, but having half of the performance of old build, when we heard months ago that it's going to be released in weeks, makes me worried.

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  12. 12 hours ago, DiBBz said:

    What you're saying doesn't make any sense, the engine update is the most critical stepping stone for the game to stay alive in the long run!


    It's because people like you never see the real issues of the game. The game is shit because the current content we have is SHIT, weapons, cars, missions, players, map BALANCE is all clusterfuck.

    I am not talking about creating new content because what we currently have is fucking gismo !

    And don't tell me they couldn't fix few lines in code here and there without breaking something on the old engine to make the game more enjoyable.

    Instead of making the ENgine update top priority, and fucking us over with PS4 release, it would be much better and healthier for the game community and it's players, to address BALANCE issues of various kinds years ago.

    Like, here's what players are complaining about, lets delay entire engine for 6-12 months and put resources to fix what we can to keep players and salvage the game, giving us time to work on the engine. So even without the real new content that cannot be creating easily on the old engine, we would have a current content of the game in MUCH BETTER shape and maybe citadel would have more than one fucking district to play at.


    Have you seen yesterday beta? It was a fucking disaster, I don't even want to tell how much they fucked up with logging so players couldn't actually even try. I am talking about 60 FPS when there is more than 10 people in the map, and GLOBAL stutter drops to 20FPS when anyone joins district. It's outrageous. It will take months if not years to fix this shit, meaning we have old content that's not properly balanced in any way that will have to keep players in the game. And I don't mind myself, I played for years and I love the game and I am used to its shit, but if new players leave in two days, soon there won't be even one district to play.

    • Like 2

  13. On 6/25/2020 at 3:45 AM, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    These people not playing the legendary market and doing profit trading to easily earns millions in a weekend.




    I remember once taking a shitty jersey devil all the way up to an ursus in a day and a bit.

    Thanks, since the marked crashed and was gizmo yesterday I managed to flip guns and buy FFA. Your advice was helpful. 

  14. 56 minutes ago, GhosT said:


    Even as a free2play you should've raked up enough cash since 2013, unless you blow it all on useless stuff.

    That's the point you won't. You have 1500-2500 on average for mission, and how many cars you make? 5-10? That's half of it poof, then the ammo and weapons leases.

    Like I sad, I had 3 outfits made by myself, 1 theme and 2 symbols and 1 4-sloted car.

    If you take on average 1k profit per mission, how many do you get to play to earn 12milion? It's ludicrous amount.

  15. 46 minutes ago, Pwnimon said:

    Where did u see dropping prices, from what i can tell the low tier weapons where at 400-500k each before the announcement and now have jumped to 600-700k the last time i checked.

    I am sure ure refering to the R&D III and i can understand ure disappointed u cant get one but its just an obir reskin and i have to live with the fact that i will never get that red glow asylum skin...

    So sorry to hear that. I own every glow in the dark skin and they are the best skins ever. It's truly stupid that you can't obtain one because you didn't participate in stupid event. 


    Creating a content that is available only to small group of people that were fortunate to play at given time is the worst thing games can do. 

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