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Posts posted by ScarecrowXIII

  1. 1 minute ago, KNickz said:

    i mean you gotta give props to these guys


    jokers been a shit storm for the past couple of days and its not a DDOS

    Fam, I know, and my gf and I complain about it everyday and guess what? You can still find us there doing missions ._.


    To be fair, when it finally crashes for the night we go find something else to play (and still end up checking up on APB afterwards)


    What drugs did they mix in this?

  2. 8 minutes ago, Shamis said:

    That's a lotta votes on content!

    3 minutes ago, Deathshow99 said:

    It's kinda funny how most people would prefer to get new content before optimising the fps drops 😏 But i can agree with them because it's becoming boring to play without lvling up

    I guess because we're good at adapting.


    Crappy servers? Adapt.

    FPS drops? Adapt.

    Lack of content? Petition and beg devs.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Luminesca said:

    Honestly, I have to agree with him. I got 3 tickets going atm, with evidence of each hacker. At least let the ticket creator see if action has been taken. That's at least fair. 

    The previous policy was to not let you know the action taken against the player though (you could always monitor FF bans if it meant that much to you however)

    While not broadcasting bans is weird, I don't particularly care. If i see a player again, then so be it, if not, then so be it.

    1 minute ago, ShadowXS said:

    You're an idiot. Not everyone who was banned was banned fairly. 


    Firstly, countless manual bans were done by corrupt GM's and GM's with no game-logic, critical thinking skills, or APB-related mechanical skills, who assumed anyone who made a pro-like play or kill was illegitimate.

    Second, countless automatic bans were triggered falsely by an anti-cheat system (FairFight) that was not calibrated correctly, as it should have been - over time, and the anti-cheat was flagging people who had above average stats for actually being good at the game.


    So you're upset because those people who were falsely banished from APB are being given back what was unfairly taken from them? 


    Furthermore, you're now quitting APB (for the 100th time it seems, according to other posters who have witnessed your manchild behaviour in the past), because they refuse to broadcast bans? 

    Because they refuse to support witch-hunting and shaming of players?


    So tell me; what about all those innocent people who got banned by FairFight or by those skill-less/corrupt GM's? Innocent players names got broadcasted when they got the ban-hammer and now I'm sure if you see any of their names you assume they were cheating and deserved the ban even though they may have been innocent all along. That's the effect broadcasting bans has. A sense of moral accomplishment for something that you're not even certain of. Do you not see the negative effect broadcasting their names has?


    If you really don't, then good riddance.


    I don't even know who the hell you are, but i can tell from your attitude that you're the same time of manchild who accuses innocent players of cheating just because they're better than you and beat you within this game with a significant margin above your skill level.


    And lastly, are you really that self-absorbed and pretentious to believe that your "wisdom" and "guidance" is the catalyst between the success or failure of APB? 


    Jesus Christ, get a room, i don't think there's enough space for you and your ego to fit in one.


    And get gud scrub.

    Ouch, the bullet whizzed past me and it still hurts

  4. 2 minutes ago, ZaTez said:

    in case the HAN server merged to the Jericho in the coming future, will it delete the character in the Han server and start all over again in Jericho?

    Wouldn't make sense to delete them. That's not different from just telling you to go make a new character, no migration needed.

  5. 3 minutes ago, SelttikS said:

    Gotta say I agree a lot with this. I can be pretty horrible and as far as i know i never pissed off Tiggs. Never got banned. I get rage whispers and reported a lot back in the day, no bans. Never got scammed, never scammed. Seems it was pretty easy to not get banned.

    I was never on forums, never even seen G1 employees in game, I actively avoided districts or areas whenever someone said "X is here"

    Still banned. Only thing I had running was advanced launcher.

  6. 1 hour ago, wHisHi said:

    When buying G1C you can specific amount, 543 for example. And with premium it will be -20% cheaper. So it will be 11.5$ i think 

    Since when? I've only ever seen increments of $5 so 400 G1C increments (not counting bonus G1C)

  7. 10 minutes ago, SpeedyCat said:

    I know what you mean... sometimes i wanna better cover under my desk but.... damn i have tryed it and it doesn't work. 😄

    I gave up on semi-auto/burst fire rifles long ago... but that was back when I had 13fps on average. I should retry it.


    2 minutes ago, Flight said:

    Even if BattlEye is in "observation mode" as you called it, it is still preventing cheaters from cheating.

    It is simply not banning them.

    Neat! Prevention is cool. Explains a lot

  8. FF is still on, BE is observing and flagging. Idk if the manual bans are still happening but yeah, as everyone stated, stuff is still there.


    My biggest issue is the warping, nearly died when someone warped out of my crosshair yesterday. .45 pistol vs OCA (already lit up), I nearly died.


    ...oh and also the disconnections preceded by 30+ packet loss :/


    As for hackers, idk, slightly suspicious of anyone who uses an Oscar really well at all ranges lol. The sound of that gun actually terrifies me now. Someone outside of my mission used one (after we slaughtered the enemy team and they were respawning) but I still ducked for cover

  9. 2 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Very true. 

    Sprint speed is only 6m/s iirc, so you aint getting far. 

    Which is why when facing the Ogre (or Yukon for that matter) on attack missions, ALWAYS prenade corners.


    Though even then its still a great defense weapon. 

    So that's why I always eat a nade whenever I try to ambush someone? It's like they knew I was there... I always thought maybe they saw something, like my rifle barrel sticking out or some crap like that.

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