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Posts posted by WEISSDEATH

  1. 2 hours ago, xHenryman90x said:

    It could be unique, preset weapon with legendary weapon mods or something completely exclusive mod/mods and/or additional open slots.

    It doesn’t need to be any of those. It’s fine as is, The carbine doesn’t need mods to be effective. 

  2. None of that’s a valid reason to remove it, most of your argument is just a “I’ve been killed by xxx gun ad I dont like it.” 

    • Like 2

  3. 3 hours ago, Sharpen said:

    So, frankly speaking. Has any one of the detractors brought a new player to the game in the past year? Because we tried, and it was such a toxic, uninviting experience with such a lack of real good gameplay (or anything resembling it) that they immediately uninstalled with little or no chance of returning.

    Sounds like a lot of complaints from people who've not attempted this or seen the problems with it.

    We see the problems with it, the issue is, and imma be honest, both of solutions from you and from OP quite frankly suck and don't help new players in any form.


    All they do is keep dethreaters from using certain things but they don't prevent the dethreaters from going into the districts still and ruining things for new players. The only option is to report the dethreaters or find a way to remove them/prevent them from even going into the bronze districts in the first place.


    Being truthful; APB isn't meant to be your "i can just go in and start shooting and be decent" type of shooter, i do agree that there needs to be some things put in place to help new players better, a much better tutorial would be helpful and there needs to be gameplay improvements, but as ive said, APB isn't meant to hold your hand like COD would. You also gotta put effort in to learning the game and the different strats you'll come up against.

  4. 16 minutes ago, Arientus said:

    I ended up switching to EU due to lack of population. Nonetheless, there is no way to stop people from dethreating and going nuts on new players. The best option available in my opinion is to cut the available resources players have to their availability to cut down on the sheer cliffside that is entry into progression.

    And guess waht? Those players are still going to shit on you.

    Yeah, lets get rid of the weapons but not the actual dethreaters.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Arientus said:

    Where there are good options for free to play users, not a single one can stack up to the URSUS. In addition, most of the options that are competitive are locked behind months if not years of progression for a casual player. Someone who is just getting into the game; sure they don't have the knowledge of maps, locations or what weapons to use to counter what, but it is incredibly one-sided to say the URSUS is fair compared to any other option available to the free to play user. You can't gain experience if everytime you win a gun fight, they switch to an URSUS and just plow you over.


    Let me just start by saying that I respect your playstyle and not many people utilize something similar. Using an N-TEC, Sword or CR-5 takes practice to utilize. I understand there's a learning curve, but simply saying any gun being allowed in the Trainee channel is somewhat rediculous. All of the mods and comparable features are locked behind a redonkulous amount of grind, so even the basics like Happy Landings or Clotting Agent are difficult to compare against. Much less a car surfing OSMAW. I honestly feel that they need to make it much less of a wall and add steps to the districts instead of just allowing anyone with any loadout/amount of progression to just roflstomp anyone in the channel.

    Again, that's a player skill vs player skill issue.

    Ive seen plenty of Ursus users get their patootie beat by a NTEC and free to play weapons.

  6. Going to be honest here and you forgot one very major issue; It wouldn't of mattered if those weapons and mods were restricted or not, those players would of likely beaten you eitherway. Sure, some weapons are definitely easier to use then others and require no real skill(like Volcano) but that doesn't mean said player doesnt know how to use other weapons.


    A good majority of the good or meta weapons aren't "P2W" or need to be spent on with real money, weapons like the PMG, NTEC, Obeya, HVR and OBIR are all ingame weapons that can be brought with regular money earned ingame. This also includes the OSMAW and OPGL. Those listed weapons are often considered superior to their "P2W" and legendary counterparts, most of armas' weapons are also subpar compared to these weapons or just reskins of them. 

    Ultimately; restricting those weapons and mods wouldn't matter, if those players are good enough, they'd wreck you with the regular weapons they got with APB$ anyway. Also, the Patroller is like..not...P2W...


  7. Civis are already a pain in the patootie with the fact that they can trigger hit markers; so, fighting a civi heavy area often results in a couple of shots that you think hit your opponent actually possibility hitting them instead and with how APB's combat work, giving them guns could make the game rather unfun, especially when you're 85'd. Even if they were all restricted to using FBWs, just a few shots from that could put you at a disadvantage. 

    • Like 1

  8. This, i can agree with this, as someone who loves to use the SWARM with its great AV abilities, i would love to be rewarded for any kills gained via destruction of a vehicle.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Uhtdred said:


    It wasn't a gift from a friend. It was an event box or those boxes that are gifted to you everytime you spend more g1c (lotalty or whatever it's called).


    I spent money to get a gun and got the gun plus the boxes. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE.


    You say 5m is a lot but what about 10.000 joker tickets? Some people don't even play FC.

    Okay, so either way, you still spent G1C. Because loyalty boxes are as you said, can only be gotten via spending G1C.


    This is funny, because people often enough view the Ursus as pay to win since it’s just a NTEC that kills you in one less shot and can be gotten via G1C even if it’s random.


    Also, NTEC is still one of the best rifles lmao, you still see it everywhere, so I don’t know what you’re talking about that it isn’t. 



    • Like 1

  10. 2 minutes ago, Uhtdred said:

    wrong, and this is where I realize you aren't good at playing apb.


    There are guns that suck no matter the player using it. There's a reason why no players use some guns.





    Okay, first, you'd be surprised too see what kind of weapon pops up now and then despite how bad they are.

    Secondly, that is a terrible assumption, if anything we can just assume you aren't any good at playing APB just from reading your replies and the starting of the thread.


    You've done nothing to provide or prove why the Maniac is OP. From what i can tell, your reasoning for thinking its OP is because actually good players have melted you with it.

    • Like 1

  11. Just now, Uhtdred said:


    So if a bad player use a gun and suck with it, the gun isn't op. That's what you're saying.


    I would rather face good players using a gun than trying the gun myself.

    Like what Dan said, a Good or skilled enough Player can make any weapon work, even seem OP.


    So your encounters with the maniac probably meant you fought players who knew what they were at least doing with it.

  12. 1 minute ago, Uhtdred said:


    You don't need to try a gun to see if it's op or not. You can see youtube/twitch videos and also fight against those using the gun. I faced a lot of manic users, 80%  of them were really bad but the gun did all the job for them.

    Id say you do definitely need to use a weapon sometimes to actually judge if its OP. Because there's also PLAYER SKILL that goes into using a weapon. You can't tell if their bad or not, because if they're truly bad, then trust me, they wouldn't be doing good as you say they are.

  13. 22 hours ago, Queen of Love said:

    just point 1 .

    Use Kevlar 3.(60k-80 in marketplace)

    KV3 Can resist a direct hit of Osmaw and you are fast enough for avoid  2 indirect hit of Volcano. FnMod_Character_Kevlar3.png

    No hope with OPGL launcher, in that case you need Flak Jacket. (In marketplace at 60k-80) 40% explosive damage less.FnMod_Character_FlakJacket.png 

    Do not listen too this.

    If you're going to equip anything to counter explosives, only use Flak Jacket. Kevlar will only make you an easy target for Volcano and OSMAW. You will not be fast enough to avoid the Volcano's two rockets, its explosion will still catch you unless the volcano is off target and not aiming for you. 


    You also need to be R195 to use flak jacket. CA3 is your best bet against explosives as long as you keep on the move/take proper cover.  When it comes negating a osmaw or volcano's damage is to always try to position yourself where cover is in the rocket's direct path and there's nothing for the rocket to detonate on behind you, then try to push on the user when they're reloading and while risky, don't hesitate to take advantage of the OSMAW/Volcano's windup to shot their user and kill them, or, forcing them to retreat.  Also, if you're pushing them, if its an OSMAW, do not directly try to come around the corner, put some distance between you and them as you make the turn so you'll have a better chance of not being directly caught by the rocket and killed or even having the rocket outright miss you. 


    As for OPGLs, only thing i can tell you is to try and predict where the nades will go, a OPGL user is usually going to try and fire the nades in the direction they think you're going to go or be, so try to make your movement as unpredictable as you can. Keeping light on your feet or even just changing locations is the best way to counter them.

    And the most important thing about explosives users; Always be mindful that they have a secondary, in the case of OPGLs, they'll usually try to shoot you a bit with the secondary so either the OPGL's nade will kill you or the secondary will. Same goes for Volcano/OSMAW.

  14. 30 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    For the love of god, stop wanting to nerf EVERYTHING!


    If it does get nerfed, watch it literally become the new M1922.


    But yes, this, please for the love of god, we can't just keep nerfing everything. There's a reason why the PMG is as broken as it is at the moment, because we keep nerfing stuff and leaving other things untouched.  How about we got toss the norsemens some buffs or tweaks? 

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  15. 7 minutes ago, Fasuncri said:

    Sadly, it becomes a big problem when you don't have a weapon can encounter it.

    Btw, I don't want to get hates. As I said, I still love the game. I just listed the problems are driving me crazy sometimes.

    What kind of weapons counters explosives in any shooter...


    Like, name one shooter where a weapon exists that can counter explosives. 

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