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Everything posted by canariona

  1. How is it possible that you have so many problems with everything? I understand that it has to be difficult to program something, but I have to assume that you try things before putting them (?)
  2. de verdad esta activado el anti-hack? porque la verdad me da a mi que no o simplemente no funciona bien,sigo diciendo que no es normal que todos los rangos bajos y altos seran rango dorado,mas que nada porque llevo desde hace mucho tiempo jugando y en mis tiempos ver una chapa dorada era dificil :),asi que no engañen a la gente,todo el mundo sabemos los chetos que hay en el juego y los que se siguen usando,simplemente parece que no quereis banear a nadie porque os quedais sin jugadores
  3. Is there a defense system against the hack? because there are many low lvl that do weird things, they are all gold plates and I don't understand how low ranges are already gold plates facing people of high rank
  4. canariona

    Game in spanish

    Is it possible that the game is translated into Spanish? I'm sure that many people who speak Spanish don't play it because they don't know English Merged. it would be nice if the game was put in Spanish, so I would gain more population that can't speak English
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