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  1. These are “GABE” (right) and “JANE” (left). Rumors say they’re siblings. Gabe started taking part in illegal races at the age of 16. He’s won uncountable amounts of money by winning those races. But soon he and Jane decided that these street racings are boring with just factory new cars that maybe only have stickers like stripes. So that’s when they created their own brand called “checkerz’ sprays and kits”. They’re upgrading your boring rides by tuning them to the maximum and topping it off with a dope design. Here's the front and back pictures: Some pictures of details: Their brand logos: And GABE could have his racing helmet either under his arm or on a desk or something: The character that i made is "JANE". The creator of "GABE" posted this aswell.
  2. hm well it wasnt the name either. and the account neither ye i just wanted to see if im the only one or if its a general problem
  3. uhh well i didnt get it on one account but other accounts of me did. and i had premium activated before on there. so now i just lost some days of premium and didnt get anything back. and also theres a problem about creating characters. it doesnt work. i deleted a character on an account of mine so a friend could have that name. but apparently its not possible to create characters anymore. i also tried creating it on that account which got 2 free character slots and yet it showed the error message that the account does not have any free character slots.. (i cannot get rid of the character selecting menu at the moment, its just a blank window. but i also checked yesterday when i could select a character, and people already told me they got the premium while i didnt)
  4. ok so even though its an "ugly" sweater contest, i decided not to go with a colorful design but with a 0 saturation one. yee server: citadel char name: skaered
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