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Everything posted by RandomAPBplayer

  1. atm, the lightbars arent properly implemented as they are still WIP
  2. havent played APB in like 2 months, so many other games are under my radar atm
  3. It seems youve never had a sword fight Monkey Island style. Like I said, razor sharp wit when responding to a threat or insult. So when I said "Every enemy i've met I've annihilated" you shouldve replied "With your breath, Im sure they all suffocated"
  4. No no no. thats not right at all. When I send an insult, your retort has to be razor-sharp, but also rhyme
  5. OK. So after all important stuff like matchmaking, console fix and contacts are done, what type of content will be added afterwards?
  6. how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  7. I could not care less about GTA6 considering what theyve dont to both RDO and GTA online
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