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Posts posted by Zatro

  1. Thanks everyone for the suggestions! 😄
    I guess I'll go for the amg, it wsa already on my mind before posting this and it got some mentions here too
    I'd go for a carbine/oscar if I was good with semis but I'm not 😞
    As for the osmaw, I don't feel like spending 10k jt on a contact weapon, I dont find the slots thaaat useful tbh. Also not a fan of the rockets' price

  2. Hey guys, first of all sorry if this isn't the appropriate subforum. So right now I'm farming JT but I don't really have a goal in mind, I just wanna grind them and buy something. What are your opinions on the JT store guns? Any that you would consider is a must get? This is totally subjective, I also wouldn't like to buy a weapon if I already have one that can do its job, whether it does it better or worse, I prefer variety.
    These are my weps:

  3. I love this idea and I'm sure you'll balance it better as time goes on
    I'm not complaining, this is only a pro, but I'll compare the JTs you could get weekly before and after this patch

    Asylum Bronze 50JT
    Asylum Silver 150JT
    Asylum Gold 200JT
    Baylan Bronze 50JT

    Baylan Silver 150JT

    Baylan Gold 200JT
    Boss Tier Daily Activity 7 x 25JT
    Tier 5 Daily Activity 7 x 2 x 20JT
    Tier 4 Daily Activity 7 x 2 x 15JT
    Weekly maximum: 1465JT

    Same as before, 1465JT plus average JT earned by new system
    What do we take as average? According to my own experience and what I heard from other, with this system you average 1-2JT per mission. I have played 16 missions today and got 14JT in total so I'm even below this average. Let's say you still play the same amount of time as before. To complete 5 Daily Activities maybe you played 10 missions total. These missions would have given you around 15JT. Throughout the whole week this is 95JT
    New Weekly Average: 1560JT

    My point is that the increase in JT obtained is barely above 5%. Which is too little to even consider. I know I "made up" some numbers like the JT average or the missions an average player plays per day, but I don't think they're that far off.
    Those caps are weird too. Averaging 1.5JT a mission, to get to the 200JT cap you would have to play more than 120 missions. In a day. Why does that cap even exist? Either they messed up the drop rates/the amount of JT given or I have spoken to a lot of unlucky people.

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