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Posts posted by Zatro

  1. I was wondering what can I do about these little screen freezes I get all the time. I know a lot of people get these "micro stutters" too, where your screen will freeze for maybe a quarter to a middle of a second. These often cost you a kill and are really really annoying. I've seen some people who run their game super smoothly in streams or youtube videos. So, what is there to do about it? Do I need a monster PC to fix this?
    It's weird that no matter what settings I'm using I still seem ot get the same amount of stutters. Doesn't matter if it's all Max settings and resolution, or if it's custom minima setting in 1024x768. I'll always get 60FPS (or 102 if I'm not capping it) + A lot of stutters

    What part of my pc should I upgrade to solve this? Or is it more of a game problem?

  2. I'm sorry if this has already been said on this thread. I really couldn't bother reading all of it.
    Anybody else noticed all the players we lost during those 2-3 months of no segregation we had? From my experience, most of my friends and clanmates quit the game. I knew 14 people and only 2 didn't quit. Out of the 12 that quit, only 1 of them came back. And you can also see this in the numbers. Before those 3 months we could easily reach 250 pop for a few hours, specially on the weekends.
    Citadel went from 900 to ~650 peaks but I recognize it's fair to assume that's related to the fact that they didn't have a european server, so the were playing with higher latency than normal.

    I agree, our pop is too low to support segregation. But no segregation would not be a good idea either in my opinion. I wish they focused on phasing now. I know they wanted to release the engine upgrade first but at this point the game will be dead by the time it comes out.

    Release some changes NOW with UE3, then when 3.5 is finally done you can apply those changes there. I think it's the best thing to do if the goal is to keep this game (at least NA) alive until 3.5

    • Like 1

  3. I was spiking like hell too. Same thing happened to me yesterday evening in Bronze Financial (I dont recall whether it was East or West)
    Like I get increased latency, but not a lot either, just a 30% increase than normal. But I constantly teleporting back and forth and it's impossible to play.
    If it's not me then I'll be glad it's not a me-problem, and I hope it eventually gets fixed or goes away.
    You say other people noticed this too?

  4. 16 hours ago, Nymphi--DoubleDee said:

    Enemy was further.


    On 2/20/2020 at 9:57 PM, Noob_Guardian said:

    hes at least 70m from the guy

    Which makes my point stand even better. I was just having a very considerable tolerance, considering the most extreme scenario without actually measuring it

    • Like 2

  5. 3 minutes ago, TzickyT said:

    thanks for the info that i needed stil felt like i hit him mor etimes o;o

    Yeah hit markers can make you feel that. Cause they stay on the screen for a long enough time to possibly overlap with your next shot, so sometimes you might think 2 or 3 consecutive shots hit, when in reality only 1 did.
    You did get an awful RNG though, judging by the size of the crosshair

    • Like 1

  6. Okay after watching that clip 10 times I'll make my guess

    I'd say you got 10-12 shots in during the first mag.
    Then a few seconds while reloading and re aiming
    Then 3-4 more shots during the second mag.
    I would also say the enemy was at 65m

    Problem is, apbdb does not have the exact damage vs distance curve. Something I'd say is that, considering how far he was, I'm pretty sure he could heal enough HP to tank 3-4 more shots while you were reloading (if he had CA3). So those last 3-4 shots make no difference. So, should 12 (being optimistic here) star shots kill someone at 65m? Well, if they deal at least 84 damage they should. According to apbdb it's only 52 though, but then again I'd have to check in-game and right now it's undermaintenance. You could check later how much damage a star deals at 65m

    • Like 1

  7. I've tried both the medusa and the regular AMG (the one you buy with JT, identical to euryale)
    And I gotta say I prefered the regular one a lot more. First ~10 shots with the medusa have an insane recoil, the ones that come after are super steady. Regular AMG isn't as steady as post 10 shots medusa, but it is steady enough to use it efficiently up to 50m maybe (the gun's effective range is even higher than that, like 60m I think)
    I found that with the medusa, during the time I was getting those 10 first shots out, I got killed. Of course this is just my personal preferrence because I couldn't find a way to play around medusa's unique mod. If possible you should try both and see what suits you best

  8. 3 hours ago, Koriyasa said:

    I literally haven't played APB in months hoping this ping issue can be resolved, I am an East player playing In NA getting 100+ ping spikes? Any fixes or what....

    it's just tonight that its laggy
    it hasnt been like this for a week now since they got all the servers

  9. Is there any reason for using the Strife over JG/CSG anymore?

    Yes, the Strife is more accurate and can deal consistent damage to enemies in distances where other SGs can't. But they are both still 2 STKs, now their max damage output isnt even THAT different, and strife is still (almost) twice as slow as JG/CSG. I don't think that that extra effective distance is worth it at all.
    I don't care about one-shotting fragile users. The damage it used to deal was enough for the game to forgive you if you didn't land >75% of pellets. Now it will be like "land both shots almost perfectly or don't get the kill", and you already had the JG/CSG for that, only that they shoot 3-4 times in the same time frame the Strife shoots twice.

    I remember when they talked about shotgun balance in July, they said they would nerf the Strife's damage, but buff its Fire Rate. Now it's just the nerf. I'd say that if they are going to nerf its damage, they should at least take the fire rate from 1.25 to somewhere around 1.05. Either that or make the other SGs a 3 STK so the Strife is still an option to consider. I understand that would be shitting on the other SGs users but really, there's no point in using Strife now

    • Like 1

  10. I have the same problem. Those stutters are really annoying. They happen at random moments tho, I could be in the middle of a grenade exploding while fighting an ogre and it will all go smoothly. But then I could be running in the middle of the street and get taht split second stutter. They happen like once every couple minutes or so, and that means in an hour timespan, they made me die or miss a kill at least twice. Hate them

  11. What does this mean? Most (if not all) silencer mods read this. I've always thought it meant you wouldn't show up in the radar but recently I found out that's not the case. At least not for the ATAC Watchman nor the OCA Whisper
    Could anybody please tell me what this does?

  12. Hi everyone. I can't quite decide what weapon I want from the Joker Store. My options are:
    Dog Ear
    OCA Whisper
    ACT 44 Golden Marksman

    I'm pretty covered as to different weapon types and situations (I've got: Nano; Reaper; Ursus; Volcano; Ogre; Watchman; Strife; Euryale). Maybe I'm lacking a long distanve secondary and that's why I'm considering the ACT but tbh it sounds like the most boring choice.
    What would you recommend? Any suggestions that aren't among my options welcome! (As long as they're not the Strife or the Euryale since I already got those from the Joker Store)

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