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Posts posted by Zatro

  1. On 9/28/2021 at 6:48 PM, Arianna said:

    im a silver player , i love playing apb  its my favorite game but , with no threat districts its becoming hell


    i miss playing this game but i cant play it any more its too much stress and no fun at all 

    I feel you bro. 3-4 friends I used to play with and I all stopped playing 4 days into the no-seg bs. And we're mid-high silvers / low golds however you want to call it. I can't imagine how people whose skill level is worse than ours even play anymore - well, they probably quit as well

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    8 hours ago, largeAPBgamer said:

    3. Joker store has always cost a ridiculous amount of tickets, it is extremely unrealistic that a player will ever get the weapons and cars from joker store.

    Idk man I've purchased something around 80-120k JT worth of guns from the joker store since it's been there and I play 6-8hrs a week tops on average (I feel like I have to clarify I've never purchased JT with g1c). Literally sitting on 18kJT right now with nothing I want to buy.

    Also the Euryale is not g1c exclusive. AMG'Stheno' is a reskin and it costs 8k JT


    9 hours ago, largeAPBgamer said:

    damage based on how many pellets hit the enemy. this makes literally zero sense

    how does anything OTHER THAN THAT make sense?


    The rest of your post is too r-worded to deserve replies

    • Like 1

  3. I think the healthiest view one can have on APB right now is the following:
    APB servers are kept open right now just so the people who like the game can keep playing it as it is right now, while the engine upgrade is being implemented. I guess they could have shut down the servers a year ago and reopen them only once the engine is done but they decided to leave them open with minimum (close to zero perhaps) maintenance just so the tiny playerbase left can keep playing, maybe buy some stuff and keep APB in the map while LO directs all resources into the engine upgrade.


    If the upgrade fails (it's not deployed in a reasonable amount of time), the game officially dies. If not, it may live longer, but in any case we all know APB has lived way past its expiration date

  4. On 1/12/2021 at 8:48 PM, M2bandit said:

    Dang I really hoped BattleEye was going to fix the game.  I haven't played in a long time. 
    I saw someone flying in beacon the yesterday, I'm not familiar with beacon or if there's a legit method to do this. 

    That was an event that featured some special skills like jumping 50+m into the air.

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  5. I like its

    • Low TTK (in practice (Bronze district))
    • Absence of headshots so people dont one tap you the second you peek around a corner like in most games
    • The fact that getting shot at doesn't slow you down
    • Explosions
    • Car stunts
    • Customization
    • Capacity for outplays
    • Explosions
    • Ragdoll physics
    • Map
    • Casual-oriented feel
    • Easy, fast movements. No stupid animations to turn around or run/stop running like in more modern games
    • Explosions
    • Like 4
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  6. I know it's weird but I actually like how the game works in that regard, it adds to the open world experience. I probably get griefed like 1 in every 20 missions, and I find it fun. I prefer it over to making griefing impossible. Maybe if it was 1 in 5 missions instead it would be super annoying but intentional griefing is super rare and most of the times it's someone who has a grudge with you, not just some random guy.


    I know I'm almost alone on this though

    • Like 2

  7. 12 minutes ago, xB00Mx said:

    stop adding none sense useless microtransaction stuff

    Except LO has been reducing the microtransactions over and over again?
    To begin with, Joker Mistery Boxes DON'T EXIST anymore. Furthermore, you can now get any weapon you want with in-game currency. It's a grind I'll give you that, but with 2 months of maybe playing 10 hours a week (or 1 month of intense gaming if you can afford that) you can get enough Joker Tickets or $APB to buy any weapon you want at all.


    A login screen doesn't change anything.


    This last weekend there were 4 events that consisted of a All vs All in a district zone in case you dind't know. Like a dozen or more of these events have been carried out throughout the year.


    Lastly, they're waiting to get the Engine Update done to add new content. The current build can't handle any changes, the code is a mess and it's difficult to expand and maintain. So once they have their own code they'll start adding new stuff. They already have it thought out, they just need to finish the Engine Update to add those.

    "But they've been working on it since 2012, it will never be finished!" No, they've been working on it since 2018, and yes, that's still a long time, but if you read Matt's Tracking the Engine Update thread (it's pinned) you'll see just how close they are.


    Now, will that revive the game? Oh boy I certainly hope so, but we can only wait and cross our fingers.

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  8. This might be a terrible idea, I haven't given it a single hour of thought, but I wanted to get it out there, see what people think.


    A lot of players leave the game because, according to them, it's pay to win. When, in any case, it's pay2avoidSomeGrinding. I've even seen people leave the game saying it's full of people with p2w weapons, and when I asked what those weapons were, they said things like "OPGL", "OSCAR", "JOKER CR5", "PDW". When all of these are either contact guns or reskins of contact guns.


    My idea is the following: Give every new account 1 permanent and untradeable weapon of choice.

    That way, if they insist that this weapon is OP, they can actually go and try it for themselves, and if they like it, they can stick to that account.


    I know, I know, LO has done a lot in regards to this matter with the Joker Store, but asking a newcomer to grind thousands of Joker Tickets is probably almost as much as asking them to purchase $20 worth of g1c.

    The obvious disadvantage of this, is the amount of money people would put into the game. If you give everything for free, then no one might purchase g1c anymore and you can't fund the devs / server / etc. But maybe something like this could help players stick to the game longer and eventually they may purchase g1c for cosmetics? At least that's what I would hope for.


    Also, once (if) they see the weapons were not the problem*, they may start complaining about matchmaking. But hey, at least they would be right in that scenario.


    *or, if according to them, they were, they would own one of the weapons they deem so OP. Then if they want more, it would make more sense to ask them to either farm 10,000JT, APB$4,000,000, or to just purchase $20 worth of G1C


    I want to know what you guys think. Peace.

    PS: Yeah, I know free 30min trials are a thing

  9. I don't care about winning/rewards per se. I care about having fun, and 4 out of 5 missions in silver districts, I can't have any. I don't try playing there too often, but when I do I just feel so useless and I get stumped on, I try focusing on the mission / communicating / using meta weapons even if I don't like them and I still don't stand a chance. It's not that I need to win to have fun, but being honest with you, going 2-8 for 4 missions straight feels like shit. Some years back I actually tried to improve so I could play at silver district the whole time, but eventually gave up on it because I'm not that type of player, I'm just really casual. On top of that I play with 250ms so it's even hardr to face true golds. The thing is, the skill gap in this game is so huge, whenever I play 2 missions in bronze district, I go gold. So if I play 10 missions, I will need at least 3 missions of purposely dethreating afterwards to go silver again. My policy is that if I face people below rank ~40, I will go easier on them, let them kill me in convincing ways so they get some fun. The worse they are the easier I'll go. This way I don't "upthreat" SO quickly and I luckily don't make new players quit. I try avoiding the "lose on purpose and go 1-17" dethreating style because it makes everyone's experience awful in the mission, but if I want to play APB but I'm gold, enter silver district and get my patootie handed to me 3 missions straight and I'm still gold, then yes, I will go 1-17 next mission in an attempt to go back to bronze district.


    I guess a lot of people are like this. Others might play with friends who only play in bronze. And others might simply enjoy getting 20-kills-streaks out of people who just started playing and don't even know what an objective is because it boosts their egos or something

    • Like 1

  10. I think there should be threat segregation but only for actual new players (bronze or lower threat and less than 50 hours maybe?) so they get a taste of the game. I have no idea how you would implement that and if these districts would have enough population though. Also the game should kind of tell new players how the whole threat segregated districts work so they know where they should be playing.

    I feel like a lot of newcomers have a very hard time in APB

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  11. Expected number of tries until you get the permanent:  ~12.9 -> 13

    So, 32500JT, that costs 6500g1c, if you buy all of them (all of this is an average, you might be luckier or unluckier)


    100 JMB, the expected number of boxes to get the legendary, costed 9900g1c

    And now you can also buy it with ingame currency without having to trade with someone else
    Pretty good

  12. 7 hours ago, TheMessiah said:

    why?i told the game is not p2w..why new players need this guns anyway? 😏

    In any case it would be pay for variety. Winning and using JT/ARMAS guns are not correlated. And, strictly, it's not "pay" for variety either since you can use JT. What are you on about?

  13. 4 hours ago, jarko said:

    you've disabled the possibility to interact outside of mission with it while those Heat 5 are being within a mission

    As far as I'm concerned there's absolutely NO WAY of interacting with h5s. Even if both the H5 and a random player are not on a mission, they can't interact.
    So yeah, why have a hud pop-up telling us there's a H5 if you can't do literally anything about it lol

  14. 7 hours ago, GhosT said:

    Wonder when we can phase through eachothers cars or everyone simply disappears when we're in missions.

    God, after the changes to Bounty I can actually see this* happening and that worries me a hell lot. I hope they dont try to make APB a competitive game so much that it ends up being Generic Shooter #412 with its only "unique/rare" perks being that
    -it's third person (not that rare I know)
    -it has customization
    -it's dead


    *And other things such as headshots/bodyshots/limbshots, scopes, getting slowed down when shot at, etc; I'm not saying those are bad features to a game but I like it that apb is not like 99% of shooters and has an RNG element to it

    • Thanks 1

  15. On 3/11/2020 at 7:29 AM, McL said:



    when I heard about Joker ticket chance in mission district is doubled and the amount is tripled, I got really excited. After approximately 50 games I got the feeling that I mostly received 3 Joker tickets and haven't received more than 9 yet. Because I could have been biased, I started to record my rewards. This is the result of 54 missions (Amount of JT - Count):

    0 - 12

    3 - 18

    6 - 15

    9 - 5

    15 - 3 

    30 - 1


    I got 264 JT in 54 missions which is an average of ~ 4,9. 

    This is a little bit disappointing and doesn't feel like Madness 😄 But it's fine because apparently Fight Club supposed to be the main source of JT. But if the changes get reverted in April (correct me if I'm wrong), it feels kinda needless.


    Did someone of you record his/her rewards? Or what is your impression of JT in March?


    I know an amount of 54 missions is not representative. Maybe I'll update it in the future.


    Last but not least I'd love to see some math about JT from LO ❤️


    Yeah I got an average of 5.7, although I got lucky and got 30 1 mission plus the sample size was smaller than yours

    When they introduced this system I calculated an average out of 100 missions and it turned out to be 0.83 tickets a mission. I know I got the numbers written down somewhere but I really can't be assed to go look for them 😛

    So if double the rate and triple the amount, it should be a x6.
    0.83 * 6 =~ 5 so it makes sense

    I'd really like it if it would stay like this. With FC and Dailies (if you're R255) you can make like 1600 JT a week. It'd be nice if 70 missions a week could get you an average of 400 JT, so someone who plays 10 missions a day could get 2000JT a week. That would be an average of 5.71 JT a mission, so kinda like it is right now during the event. Maybe a little higher

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  16. The reason why I never believe hackusators is because of how often I get called a botter/macroer/cheater/whatever myself. When I know for a solid fact I'm legit (and not only legit, but bad too, I can hardly keep my gold). So then I assume most hackusators are calling legit people cheaters out of frustration. 
    I also see people call friends of mine cheaters. I do NOT know for a SOLID FACT that my friends are legit, but as far as I'm concerned, they are.
    And, lastly, I see people on my team call some enemies cheaters when they clearly aren't, at least from my point of view.

    Most of the time these hackusators are just new to the game (read that as less than 250 hours). But hell if I've seen some 255s call me and other people cheaters too.

    Hackusators don't get my sympathy

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