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Posts posted by Pangolier

  1. The problem is that they dont like the game and thats why they leave any player knows that sometimes starting a game is hard specially pvp ones because ypu need to learn from zero certain things the only common thing in shooters is that you have a crosshair and aim to the enemy to kill it but other shooter to be more challenging add recoil or hard to aim when you move so is harder to kill enemies but apb is diferent because you not only have that but ghost shoting lag and bad hit reg so a player that doesnt have enough experience in apb will think that killing an enemy is impossible but its not just practicing and learning where the hitbox is placed when a lag switcher is lagging is not that hard you just kep aiming in one place and slowly move the crosshair depending on their movmenet sometimes it gets really bad and you die but it happens nothing to do apb is a game of both luck and skill the other problem is that new players are overwhelmed by the amount of things apb has that is easier just quit they are just lazy to learn and dont worth anyone time even developing time to try toretain them its better to just keep improving the game and go back to the gold apb era and player will slowly returning and newcommers will see people enthusiasm and will stay because they will see and feel a good game vive evem some hardcore gameplay some players showing off will theow at them that first impact that will make them love apb as it happened to us that we got glued to apb because we all saw how good and entertined the game was also visually enjoyable sadly g1 is decided to kill apb in the saddest way but its not our fault we give the best advice from our pov and they take the wrongest aproach every time because to make a game enjoyable you need to be a pasionate gamer yourself or otherwise you are just a clown ape messing things up and it will end jilling the game i tried to give advice but they wont listen they will never catch up what make a game interesting and appealing and comfortable and enjoyable they arw focused to make the game complicated ao children can enjoy it lol plus the tutorial should be removed an reworked limited to a special district dedicated to teach players the game ropes thats the hardest part for a noob get along with all apb content without aguide and not knowing how to get weapons customize etc.

  2. 7 hours ago, UubeNubeh DaWog said:

    You could apply this to any gun at any point. 

    Thinking this way would make buffs and nerfs completely irrelevant. 


    Do you think the old yukon or old trouble maker shouldn't have been changed?



    Trouble maker yes, yukon not. Yukon is not only a piece of crap now, its hit reg is really awful so it barely matters how low its fire rate is.

    They made lose millions to yukon owners, and they dont give a fuck. They later pretend to know what they are doing.


    Im happy that they decided to keep messing weapons, that will piss off more players ;^)

  3. On 7/31/2019 at 1:36 PM, BrandonBranderson said:

    Phasing means a seamless transition between servers with no loading screens.  When it transitions you to a new server the only thing it will have to do is resync server-side objects like cars.  You can still continue driving around while you transition without having to respawn.  This has been confirmed by Matt.

    Sound way too fantastic to be honest... but ty for info.

    What about lag?

  4. 1 hour ago, Seadee said:

    that's exactly how it works!? 

    Match against people your skill level, beat them enough, your skill level goes up, match against people who were higher than you before, try to beat them, beat them, keep going up, that's literally how matchmaking should and does work... 

    it's not appealing to low skilled people, its changing the game so EVERYONE fights who they are SUPPOSED to fight in an effort to make the game BETTER FOR EVERYONE. 

    you have a bit of an obsession with "low skill players" if anything, you sound a bit too salty about this whole thing and i cant see a reason why you should be. 

    Wrong? The game wasnt better for everyone back then but popoulated enough and funny.

    You cant know how to make a game better for everyone with a pop like this?

  5. Plot twist: dethreaters allways existed, they didnt get noticed because more people were playing and willing to win and dethreaters got their proper threat and they were free to pick whatever server they wanted.


    Like i told a few years ago, i once started a new character to see how bad it was and i found very skilled silvers plumbing starters and bronzies.

    It felt good outplaying them and telling them "i just started and im winning" or stuff like that heh.

  6. On 7/29/2019 at 5:39 AM, Seadee said:

    Statistically, its mostly silver, that was stated at the point the threat system changed and it completely obvious when you look at the distribution of districts, it's neither here nor there as the make up of the skill spectrum has no bearing on my actual idea, as if there are in fact more gold players then there would be more gold districts to play in, easy.

    i also don't disagree with you that the game is designed for people who enjoy a challenge and put forward a decent amount of skill, the Bronze and Silver ranks are (personally speaking) just the stepping stones to get you prepared for the actual game (Gold) but there are people who are not as skilled as some who find it a challenge to be silver, some even find bronze a challenge, being "soft" has nothing to do with skill, its their attitude, i've seen plenty of high ranked golds who are "soft" .

    Getting matched with people of your own skill wont make you advance either...

    Appealing to low skilled people and changing the game for them wont bring people back, and barely new.

  7. On 7/22/2019 at 4:22 PM, MrChan said:

    The rights to the musical probably weren't cheap. And Andrew Lloyd Webber wrote a new song for the movie for which I presume he charged at least a million billion $, I'd guess that Idriss Elba, Judy Dench, Taylor Swift, James Corden, Ian McKellan, Jennifer Hudson, Jason Derulo etc. didn't come cheap ether.


    A lot of money might go down the toilet here.

    And it hurts a hair out of the head for them ;^)

  8. I use the large one 0000 quality. I prepare it with usually x3 water(by eye), sea salt and garlic. I serve it with some oil. I prefer it with meat or fried onions and eggs.

  9. On 7/22/2019 at 6:21 AM, Seadee said:

    unifying log in servers isn't the same as "put all the district severs in the same location" you'd completely change the architecture of how the "servers" are structured ... cloud based systems would allow you to spin up a district in the most viable location (dependant on infrastructure) 

    you are also thinking of this based on the current way APB works and not how the new engine could work, which by all reports is far better than current for loading times etc.

    switching district, with phasing, wouldn't need to reload assets, so you'd only be reloading cars and living work i assume, so yeah that MIGHT be a tiny bit annoying, but the overall improvement far outweighs that minor annoyance and are you also telling me that you don't respawn a car at the start of a mission anyway? but like i said, it's just an assumption as i've no idea how they will implement it in APB.

    "this game has never been for soft people" is such a cop out excuse i dont even believe you believe it when you say it, pretty much everyone who plays this game is of a level of whine that only cheese would accompany them successfully, the people who maintain gold are perhaps the onnly ones who dont constant and aggressively fuzzy bunny about everything, all those "golds" in bronze districts and pretty much everyone else, those are the soft people who have issues with everything in this game.

    Silver makes up the most players, they complain about golds who have no one to play against
    Silvers who play in bronze win lots and rank up to gold, they complain about it being too hard in silver
    bronze who never rank up because of silvers in bronze who rank up to gold complain about "dethreaters" as if its actually a huge problem... sounds like a lot of soft people to me, would be a shame if someone did something to fix all the problems in the game... 

    i'm not angry, i respect your opinion, i just think its wrong that's all. 


    Me neither, i also think your opinion is wrong.


    Mostly silvers? After changing the game to appeal to that population? maybe. The game was and is designed for skilled people, and enoyable.

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