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  1. undeaddragon

    Red Pumpkins Bug

    i have sent a support ticket in for it how long does it normally take to get it fixed?
  2. you are amazing thank you!
  3. undeaddragon

    Kill themes

    apb allows many customizations which is amazing but people abuse it by making ear raping kill themes some cause nasty headaches and grow anger at the game there should be a way to mute them kinda like you can block there messages so if someone has a theme that causes harm they can just be muted instead of players having to deal with that type of bull and there should be punishments for doing so.
  4. yah got new guns and can't use them much and my premium is being burned as I cannot play properly never seen the lag this bad before its crazy and since a new game mode was added old players rejoined and people brought there friends to come back to a lag storm and district joining errors.. first day riot was added the servers where busy it was great but now it seems slowly the only people left are determined players and people have spent to much to leave really
  5. alrighty its been lagging like crazy and been having tons of bugs tho I haven't seen anything about patches or upgrades when is Jericho getting fixed is it getting fixed are we getting anything as a sorry for the servers being broken for so long like hell if I have to play in this much lag any longer I'm gonna be good at fighting with lag and a game should not be like that tho if anyone wants to know whats op in this lag using a jeep as your car a cap40 as your gun and a fast shooting sidearm seems to work really well, either way, I'm still tired of this and wish to know when its been fixed
  6. so last night I could not get in it just said connecting to district server I get on today and I got the same thing and it is not just me my friends are having the same inconvenience is there a reason it's letting me log in choose character see how many are in the districts but not allowing any of us to connect to it?
  7. yep was enjoying social got my new gun went to join another district and it hasn't let me join a district since
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