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Posts posted by Gateron

  1. TL;DR: The recent update significantly improved performance and reduced cheating thanks to EAC. However, a small number of cheaters still exist. Content-wise, the game hasn't changed much, but it has improved overall. The declining population is more affected by veteran players grouping up and dominating randoms rather than cheating.

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  2. One of the primary reasons for the decline of this game is the overwhelming presence of premade groups, known as "sweats," who systematically overpower individual players and secure victories through their coordinated communication and team synergy. Fortunately, a straightforward solution exists that would significantly enhance the balance of missions, particularly when it involves a group of random players competing against another group of random players. By implementing separate districts dedicated to solo players and premade groups, where solos face off against solos and premades against premades, this issue could be effectively addressed. It is crucial to consider this solution, regardless of any concerns about district population, as it should have been a fundamental aspect of the game since its inception, in my opinion.

  3. Game Pay to win? Far from being P2W when F2P guns mostly dominate the meta lol. For new players the struggle would be getting outgunned in range by Improved rifling and being able to tap faster with HS3. But mostly its just veteran players trying their hardest by grouping up with their 3 other veteran buddies playing this competitively against silvers and bronzes killing the game. People aren't able to get better in a linear way and quit the game.


    Make a new rank that is above gold and force these people into separate district. I don't how else you would want new players to have fun. 

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  4. 13 hours ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

    We know it doesnt work cuz said hax were missing for bout 12hrs after the release, 

    then came in hacking again. The word was that they just bypassed it in files.

    These kids know the game files better than LO. 

     Now I don't know what the hax are doing to bypass it.

    I also don't have a clue if eac has banned or 'Flagged' accounts. 

    I really don't see the problem with showing nameless numbers of bans.

    Could be just a monthly forum post, for instance.

         675 accounts were banned for 3rd party prohibited programs

         108 accounts were temp banned for behavior

             1 account banned for political rhetoric.

    EAC works lol now you are delusional. There are some with VIP cheats those are hard to catch.

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  5. First EAC works very good. Since BE i wasn't able to get a winstreak of 15 playing solo that changed its so easy now. I don't get ttkd anymore by fishy/edgy no names.


    Second i agree it shouldn't be a permanent ban if it's your first offense. I got 3 day ban for team killing a guy that helped the enemy team by trying to kill me. Good tip if you want someone banned just try to kill him and when he fights back record and report lol.

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  6. When we had EAC it stopped most of your regular closet and cheaters till it was removed. What it couldn't do is server sided. This means it couldn't detect wall hacks and triggerbot.


    Your most hardcore cheaters like rage king became idiots that played like bronze/silvers with trigger and walls.


    BE is bypassed since release of the anti cheat. It probably only banned free cheats from 2013 or something.


    Fairfight didn't work since it had false positives. They where just banning people A that where blatantly obvious or people on speculations for a long time. Mostly they where right though but, there are also false positives.


    EAC will probably clean most of the cheaters up. When we had EAC there where probably like 8-9 people with real private cheats.

    • Thanks 1

  7. 15 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Then you are blind. Whether by ignorance of what to look for, or by intentional choice.

    Must be a social owner. If he joins fightclub in the weekends there is a big chance Name snipped ~@mayii plays. A guy that got banned 40000 times. Out of revenge he cheats on alt accounts blatantly and doesn't get banned for a month or three. 


    Lidl orbit doesn't seem to care much. Shit man can't even play fight club these days.

  8. 5 hours ago, MsMercedes said:


     Player vs Environment (PVE) Missions

    APB is historically PVP focused which means where there is a winner, there is always a loser. Other titles in the space, such as GTA Online, have always had PVE content that their players can engage to grow their skills.

    We will be adding support for discrete PVE elements over time. This should allow us to start using those game mechanics in new mission types, new Team PVE missions, and in the new Tutorial."


    That doesn't sound like the next 10 years, sounds like before the end of the year. 


    I didn't see anything mention about a new district, just making the two main districts look more up to date. I personally believe they need to sell APB/ip to a big known company and called it a different name if they want to save the APB name. Because at this rate, none of what they're doing is going to matter in the long run, and i highly doubt more players come back. I haven't played this game for about 5 years. I don't see any reason coming back unless the playerbase comes back. So selling the game and calling it a new name will i think help bring this game back to life. 


    Sell it to EA , or Rockstar lol, or whoever else out there who is a big company/dev. 

    Just look up who published this game first before you call names that you want the game to be taken over by.

  9. On 3/13/2023 at 6:12 PM, Rade said:

    This is very interesting. I'm running with an Intel Arc A770 LE and in Windows 11 APB runs very poor, one big stutter mess. Its almost impossible at times to kill anyone and thats with the current latest Arc drivers.


    I've just installed Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and compiled a 6.2 Linux Kernel (native Intel Arc support), will see how APB runs.




    Just played a FC round and it runs much better than I expected and better than Windows!


    I am using the following for the APB launcher, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, Steam/Proton.


    '/home/USERNAME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 7.0'/proton waitforexitandrun '/home/USERNAME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/APB Reloaded/Binaries/APB.exe' -nosteam # %command%



    Well your card doesn't support most old games. They rather emulate it then actually run it on the hardware. So you get pretty bad performance in older direct x titles. Kinda the downside of being an early adopter.

  10. honestly a gold only district would be good. The game will balance itself out. People who are good stay gold and the normal people will move to silver/bronze districts. Its tiresome to que solo and then get 3 beginners/silver people who don't know how to play against 3-4 premade vets. 


    They just need to change the calculations because, some stay in-between gold and silver. Maybe some change in the code that makes it harder to rank up back to gold.



  11. Well he has a point. First 2 weeks it was paradise. Now i see some people i have never seen before perfectly ttk. AP45 is the most obvious one. I though i was going crazy how people fly around the corner and then kill you in 0.5 second. I though i was washed up but, not this bad.


    Well two days ago i found out that there is a cheat . Guy doesn't see me tries to aim on my team mate but as he was aiming on my mate he went behind cover and then the cheater snapped backwards on me lol. Seems like BE is still a nonexistent anti cheat like VAC. Cmon Matt you said 32bit is holding EAC back but, we have the 64bit what is your excuse now??

  12. On 2/11/2023 at 4:48 PM, yourrandomnobody74 said:

    Wouldn't be an issue if the game had longer TTK, 100% ADS accuracy with minimum-no bloom, unnecessary movement penalties removed, curve mechanics adjusted, removed mods that adjust TTK and range but hey... that's too "drastic" :^)


    Excuse me? What do you consider aim then? Your whole arguement doesn't make any sense whatsover.

    Holding angles for days and headshotting a guy like in CS is not aiming.

    APB right now barely requires any tracking, as you have to 'fight' bloom mechanics to actually be able to track properly, making fights a game of who wins the dice roll.

    Who says headshots are supossed to be one shot?

  13. Game runs super good and stable with no configs. I left mine at 128 FPS since i want consistent fps all the time. Still an engine update won't change that the game is garbage gameplay wise. You can't carry on your own no matter your skill since this game is just math with how many shots you can tank. At a certain point you will get overwhelmed and still die because you reached the limit of the carry potential. It's just frustrating.


    Next i would advise to change the gunplay/weapons to something that would make clutching possible like more damage on the head or something to reward aiming instead of just tracking. For the people that are going to use cheaters as an argument not to do it are stupid. This would mean CSGO should remove headshots. I know most of the APB vets are going to oppose this since they don't want their game to become hard and get destroyed while grouping in a 3-4 team by a random.




  14. 43 minutes ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    There are max rank cheaters too. I think we should just ban every APB account then. Because if we want to stop low rank reroll cheaters by stopping new accounts, we should stop max rank cheater accounts by removing every max rank account.

    You can't read or your reading comprehension is just bad. Anyway no need to further elaborate to a forum dweller.

  15. 1 hour ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    "I don't want to try and fix issues, so let's just napalm the entire thing."

    I can't fix anything its Lidl orbits responsibility that they don't seem to take up to. We could go back to EAC "ITS FREE BTW" The only thing that doesn't work is serverside. It means that people can triggerbot and use walls without getting detected but, everything else is. Game could be cleansed again from closet/blatant cheaters using crazy aim manipulating cheats. When we had EAC we only had dumbasses that had trigger or walls but where still easily beatable because they didn't kill you in 0.05 second with a fbw around a corner.

    Easy Anti-Cheat can be licensed only for online PC games and it is free of charge. You can sign up for it directly at Epic Online Services without the need to request it through this form.


  16. 14 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    So your solution to low rank reroll cheaters really is to just.......block all new accounts? 


    Any new players, or people that want to make an alt, or for any other reason, which is certainly more than reroll cheaters, can just go get fooked?

    New players what new players??? Even if you get a random new player the chance he will stick to this game that is full of closets, Veterans and blatant cheaters is small. There is a reason you can create more than one character per account and you can buy more slots go help the struggling indie company out my guy.


    We can safely say this game is not going to get new flow of players otherwise our population wouldn't have drastically dropped over the years. The best lidl orbit can do is keep the diehard population alive. Otherwise this game is gonna be like Gunz 2.0 dead at arrival. Like when they finally release APB 64-BIT it's going to be dead on arrival because, why play the game of the company who never gave a shit about their community. 

  17. 16 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    I am just going to assume this is a joke/troll post and not a serious input.


    18 hours ago, RandomNoob said:

    I'm too lazy to read the whole thing so I'll jump to only replying to the title - close the game; yes, it's not being properly maintained so just close servers until 1.30... if it hapens. Ban new accounts? That's [redacted], makes no sense


    13 hours ago, BlatMan said:

    How will this solve anything? The majority of cheaters don't get banned even when they self incriminate. The ToS isn't enforced. Their in game "moderators" are just other players with no mod power. Most people know who they really which means they can't take action without backlash from other players.

    I wish it was a troll post but, this game is plagued with blatant low ranks in fight club and normal districts. You can't just move to a other server since the player base is too small. Closets will not get banned but, the blatant low ranks are easy to pick out. So my idea is to close registrations and ban all the recent made accounts. This will solve the issue of rerolling blatant no lifers. This is the only solution i see since this is probably the bare minimum Little Orbit can do effort wise.

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