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Everything posted by Boundsoul

  1. That's just this week..so far. Supposed to rain all week. For me, those 'May flowers' are just the weeds I call a yard which needs to be mowed, but I can't, can you guess why? I betcha can't, aww you won't get it, I'll just tell you. The damn rain. Guess I shouldn't complain, it could be worse.
  2. It's been raining for 2 damn days. Have all kinda things to do outside, that need to be done, but this ever loving rain won't stop.
  3. Well I think to ask for an update on when the game I started paying for every month might be returning to a playable state after being told the game was about ready then, 10 hours later no game and or new update about what was going on after going into what is it now 36-40 hours into a 12-hour downtime, wasn't an unreasonable question to ask. and breathe...
  4. So been over 10 hours since the last update, even the most patient people are getting little irritated. Can we expect to get online at all today?
  5. Well, I am big enough to admit when I am wrong. Good night folks.
  6. I see you have merged my comments, but I do not see my reply to the second quote. Me doth think I hit a nerve maybe? Yes? lmao
  7. It always is... Merged. Well y'all looks like we are getting close. They are using the one-hour extensions and they can only use that two or three times. Then will come the 30-minute extensions and they get two of those tops before people get mad. So means we are down to the last three or four hours.
  8. Almost 24 hours, y'all rebuilding the whole server or what?
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