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Previous match making was much better

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Previous match making was much better we had some fair matches  but now the game is again unplayable for silvers , in what sense silvers get missions vs group full of golds all the time when there are many other silvers in the opposite faction , they go against golds and we go against golds instead of being matched  against each other

the escalating period was nearly fair , most of the time we had missions silvers vs silvers and problem was solved , what happened now , why we are back to this unfair system again ? 

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Hello, we've been experiencing issues with the new Matchmaking system which has forced us to revert to the old Matchmaking temporarily. We're going to be deploying a fix for the issue very soon at which point we will return to the new matchmaking system again.

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I agree,cross matching was working fine. This morning I was matched 1v1 with someone who was using a cheat and it was a horrible experience. Matches are not fun when there are few players. Should be minimum 4v4 

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games always been lower threat v golds, since desegregation. 

LO has zero respect for legits. Very little reward for playing in general cash wise. 

Barely break even after paying for ammo and car spawns. Cars you bought n paid for. 

I'm not interested in their golds insults and the whole 'whos gold n who's bronze crap. 

Ya want me to feed your toxic golds and non gold toxic name callers, you give me perm gold, 

1 million cash per character, and additional 10 thousand per mission after. 

   Due to it being mostly toxic haters in dist, you should also remove D chat. 

chat should only be avail for teams and groups.

 But I know you won't, so on goes the idiocy and character assassination by cheaters.

ah i could go on, but I'll just get more ugly about it. 

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