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Sgt Drayke

Requesting Back up = "pending" with nothing. Op team gets full backup.

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Had this twice today. 

    Definity an issue that needs to be resolved for "balance / Fairness"    


Event detail :  Option for backup / Support is available to us. when we have requested it,, the OP team gets backup/support (1 or 2 players) , but we just got a "pending" message, and no backup / support for the entire match. 


 I would understand if this was a way of queuing players to join,  But this completely through the balance even further in the OP teams way.   the server was near cap for both sides. so players if "ready" was not an issue. 


Il try to explain how this effected us . 

So if we say the team balance  was 60/40   (60 for the criminals  being the skill/experience, weapons, number of players etc) in the first case related to the screen shot, the OP team was 2 players out ranking and advanced guns,   then my team was 40,  has the reason for option to call backup/support, my self a 255 but my  random team mate was a low 30 rank,   but in this case  we got "pending" and the OP got another 150+ Rank player..   this match ended with my low rank team mate sideling, and I was trying to fight 3 skilled players on my own. 








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I am not a technical woman, but I hope they would remove the Escalation progress and instead reimplement the old calling for backup until a better solution is established. I'm a lovely silver that gets full slaughtered by a group of golds, and I don't hate and rage because of that, but I would love to face a team who's at the same level as me.


If the new system was supposed to do so, I can just say it doesn't work that way for me at least. Maybe because I am that bad not sure, but at least I am still trying to make the best out of it. Even if I get slaughtered 24/7 ^_^



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