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Some Dude From APB

One Gold Try Hard Being Toxic

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As the title suggests, I've just got back from a long hiatus so I'm not exactly an elite gamer. I found one particular gold elite gamer to be quite toxic teamkilling me from not performing to these standards. Is there any sort of justice for this behaviour? I'm sure I'm not the only person he has been this toxic to. Surely the report function wont help, and I cant find the option to send a ticket to support. But for real this sort of behaviour needs to be sorted out.



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17 minutes ago, Some Dude From APB said:



As the title suggests, I've just got back from a long hiatus so I'm not exactly an elite gamer. I found one particular gold elite gamer to be quite toxic teamkilling me from not performing to these standards. Is there any sort of justice for this behaviour? I'm sure I'm not the only person he has been this toxic to. Surely the report function wont help, and I cant find the option to send a ticket to support. But for real this sort of behaviour needs to be sorted out.



You are not the only one, i see it every day. I saw it today again.  The game at this moment in time is unplayable for silvers and new players. Its a far cry from were it was 2 weeks ago. One player that sticks out for me, was a player that years ago i saw berating silvers in his team. Shooting them so they would retaliate, then he would kick them. Saw him again 2 weeks ago doing the exact same thing. He is named after a Portugese Footballer that played for Man U. Absolute scum.

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Ya this happens, sometimes allot. 

 And I don't wanna bash golds, but in some cases it is a gold who thinks you are under performing, 

or too low a threat to be on his team, and they get mad that lower threats were put on their team. 

But its not always golds. 

They seem to think if you are not Gud in their book, you shouldn't play. 

Problem is, that they let people other than Me  or your self be team captain and 

only the team captain can boot for tk. 

 This needs to be altered, first off the captain should not be always by threat level.

Second the non captain team mates should have the ability to kick the captain or anyone 

who tk's after two tk's. 

 We or LO needs to find a way to deal with this. 

Again it's not always golds, I accidently killed two golds yesterday n they didn't kick me. 

This happens with the opg, i think i got killed a couple times by team mate too, but it was 

cross fire, n I could tell it was an accident but they also killed the one i was shooting.

So in some cases it's just a nick but you were so low that it killed ya. 

But there are cases where the Leader doesn't want you on the team, and will try to 

get you to tk, by jumping in front of your car or tk you so you get mad and tk them. 

When this happens I accuse them of being Spies for the other team.

Sometimes they use spies to troll you from getting to the mission, 

or the troll is just that much of a patootie that he would come in just to ruin 

peoples game and not be a spy, just doing it to be mean 

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16 minutes ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

Ya this happens, sometimes allot. 

 And I don't wanna bash golds, but in some cases it is a gold who thinks you are under performing, 

or too low a threat to be on his team, and they get mad that lower threats were put on their team. 

But its not always golds. 

They seem to think if you are not Gud in their book, you shouldn't play. 

Problem is, that they let people other than Me  or your self be team captain and 

only the team captain can boot for tk. 

 This needs to be altered, first off the captain should not be always by threat level.

Second the non captain team mates should have the ability to kick the captain or anyone 

who tk's after two tk's. 

 We or LO needs to find a way to deal with this. 

Again it's not always golds, I accidently killed two golds yesterday n they didn't kick me. 

This happens with the opg, i think i got killed a couple times by team mate too, but it was 

cross fire, n I could tell it was an accident but they also killed the one i was shooting.

So in some cases it's just a nick but you were so low that it killed ya. 

But there are cases where the Leader doesn't want you on the team, and will try to 

get you to tk, by jumping in front of your car or tk you so you get mad and tk them. 

When this happens I accuse them of being Spies for the other team.

Sometimes they use spies to troll you from getting to the mission, 

or the troll is just that much of a patootie that he would come in just to ruin 

peoples game and not be a spy, just doing it to be mean 

I think there are some changes to the accidental killings and suicides. I have accidently blown myself up with my own grenade, and the player who last shot me gets the kill. I have had some strange occurences recently in which 2 of us kill each other but a player 300m away behind multiple buildings somehow got the kill on me with his handgun, despite never shooting me. 


Also i do see more silvers getting leadership ahead of golds. The gold comes into the team and the first thing he does is request leadership. I have seen a lot of fight back from players declining the leadership requests recently.

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