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Wardrobe items?

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Will we be given access to the wardrobe slots and items?
as much has i love the game i dont really want to display certain pieces of armor and would like to have a set costume i put together. i would really like a way to use/have a wardrobe and not have it greyed out. 

 so are there any updates on if/when that willl be added as a option?

 i know as its free right now that it may not be purchasable but can there be a npc or something we can get them from? i certainly dont mind spending chips on it

added details/corrected typpoes

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I'd say Give them time to see how the server runs, and let them see what they can add or not


The One item people want is the Commanders Crafting Kit, which was only in Marketplace, and bought


with RP points 800 if I remember correctly. So I'd imagine they will figure a way to get it back in game


And as well as other things that were marketplace items only..

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There's other things like some people have commander status and some don't (I got an ATV, but no commander status, my wife got no mount but does have commander lol)


ATM I'm just happy to play the game and the rebuilt servers are working 😄  I'm  sure they'll get to these things in time

Edited by Rovol

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