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Armas price vs joker store prices

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Some of the prices between armas and the joker store dont match in some items ,when the joker store was 100% f2p it was understandable but now that joker tickets cost money ,this can even be consider a "scam".

For example this police light cost in armas is 99 g1c (let's ignore the sale going on right now), and 100 g1c equals 500 jt, that means that the joker store price is 7 times higher

Guns in the other hand cost the same so it doesnt matter where u buy them(unless there is a sale),so yeah it would be nice to see prices to be the same across the board.


*Ignore the 28k in the lightbar cost, now it only cost 3500 jt becuase the photo is old*

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I personally would say switch the prices around make the pack cost 7$ and the individual cost 1$ equivalent of joker tickets.


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