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a question to the players about armas and customer service

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hello. i pay premium gladly but i avoid shopping on arams thanks to the poor customer service.
had a bad experience not long ago when I bought a wheel pack I had already bought in 2012. for my enforcer

so when I realized that I already own it on this character I contacted customer service.
was only 2 euros but it was how they handled the whole situation that made me now to avoid armas if i can
my goal was to get back the G1C so I could buy something I did not own for the same amount on that character. 
but I did not get it back more or less I bought air for 2 euros special price just for you my friend.XD
i dont care about 2 euros but its bad business if more people dont want to use armas because of bad customer service I can understand if people want real money back but G1C is not real money
so when i was involved in this i became interested if more people had the same experience from so called customer service


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I don't know if they will. But if this was recent that you made the attempt. Your not going to get anything from it because it was already way passed it's due date to get a refund for the items you bought.

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I wrote a ticket to customer service just a few hours after I bought the product. took 3 weeks to get a answer and forum rules say I can not post this ticket here.

like i said i dont care about 2 euros but it may affect others more then me + if you manage to make a mistake buying something you already own you get nothing for the money you spent. so more or less you give away money

Edited by StraaZi

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