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Hello wastelanders! Wether you're a new player or veteran this list of frequently asked questions should hopefully help you out.

01 - I upgraded my account, how do I obtain my Fallen Earth ATV? (No longer relevant, only relevant to pre-merge upgrades/purchases)
02 - Where are my learned mutations/abilities and how do I equip them to the hotbar?
03 - How do I obtain pen/paper? Can I craft them?
04 - Can I respec my character? If so, how?
05 - Is there a limit to how much AP I can have?
06 - How can I get a vehicle mount? (ATV/Vehicle Crafting questline info)
07 - What are reward points? How do I spend them?
08 - What is deathtoll?
09 - What are yellow and green names in chat?
10 - I am stuck! What can I do?
11 - How do I contact or see the online Game Masters?
12 - Is there Fast Travel?
13 - Where is a garage/stable?
14 - Can I put my mount back in to my inventory?
15 - How much is a Yellow/Red/Blue chip worth?
16 - My x item vanished!
17 - What is Trivia night?
18 - What's the maximum amount of quests I can have in my journal? Where can I see my quests?
19 - What's the maximum amount of crafting processes I can have, where can I see them?
20 - Where can I see the premium account types and what they give?
21 - What's the difference between vaults?
22 - How do I PM someone?
23 - What penalties are there to dying?
24 - Where can I find mount stats?
25 - How can I move the camera and see my character from the front?
26 - Can I get more inventory/vault space?
27 - I've found a bug, what should I do?
28 - How do I get my Veteran reward items? Which one is which item? How do I use them? (No longer relevant, only relevant to pre-F2P subscribers in the months leading up to F2P)
29 - Commanders Best Crafting kit.
30 - Treasure Boxes & Keys.

(To get to a specific question use the find/search function of your browser. By default in most browsers this can be accessed using CTRL + F, then simply type the ID of the question)

01 - I upgraded my account, how do I obtain my Fallen Earth ATV?
To obtain your promotional item you need to activate the key in-game using the in-game "/key" command to open a window, enter it there. If you don't already have this key to hand you can find it in your e-mail that you used to purchase FE.

If it isn't there BUT you used the in-game upgrade button process you will be able to obtain the item key from the website by going to "My Account", then "Subscriptions". It should be listed there, otherwise you should contact support here.

02 - Where are my learned mutations/abilities and how do I equip them to the hotbar?
Press the key "N" (by default). This will open up a window where you can browse all your abilities and mutations which are organised in to categories. You can equip them to your hotbar by simply dragging their icons in to an available slot.

03 - How do I obtain pen/paper? Can I craft them?
You can purchase Pens and Paper from a Science merchant. You can also craft them with the recipes "Refine Paper" (for paper) and "Pen Instructions" (for pens). It is however generally unadvised to craft paper due to it being inefficient.

04 - Can I respec my character? If so, how?
Yes, you can respec your characters AP. You can do this by purchasing what is known as a "Recombinant injector" from a Mutagenics merchant. The recombinant injector will allow you to reassign up to 5 AP each, so be sure to purchase as many as you need. Do note to purchase the appropriate injector for your skill bracket.

ALTERNATIVELY - You can purchase Pristine Recombinant Injectors from Reward Point Merchants OR the Fallen Earth webstore. This would be recommended if you have in excess of 1,000 AP and wish to full respec.

05 - Is there a limit to how much AP I can have?
What you can spend - Yes, there is a limit of 35 AP spent per level (at level 1 the cap is 70 instead of 35) which equates to 1960 AP at level 55. You can however earn as much AP as you like and stockpile it and spend it at the next level.

06 - How can I get a vehicle mount? (ATV/Vehicle Crafting questline info)
Vehicle mounts are generally speaking the 'best' in the game. There are currently four ways to obtain them. Via the auction house for chips, via crafting them yourself (must complete ATV questline first), via reward points merchants (for reward points) or via the Fallen Earth webstore for cash.

Certain mounts can only be obtained through the store or reward points merchants. The current list is (reward point mounts are denoted with R, FE webstore with S): Badland Rider (S), Flame Rider (S), Scavangers Dune Buggy ®, Striped Interceptor Speedster ®

To craft a mount you MUST complete the ATV questline, full information on which can be found by going to the Fallen Earth knowledgebase and searching for article "442". The knowledgebase can also be accessed in-game via typing /support in chat.

07 - What are reward points? How do I spend them?
Reward points are a form of in-game currency. They can be obtained through either recruiting your friends or by simply playing the game. You will recieve a set amount of reward points per month depending on your account type, F2P accounts get 50 reward points per month whereas premium accounts get significantly more. You can find a comparison sheet of account tiers here.

08 - What is deathtoll?
Deathtoll is a form of currency earned via PvP actions ranging from kills to capturing a faction control point for your faction. They can be used at deathtoll merchants and used to purchase special weapons, gear and ammunition.

09 - What are yellow and green names in chat?
People with YELLOW names are Game Masters.
People with GREEN names are Hazmat player volunteers.

10 - I am stuck! What can I do?
Don't panic! Follow these steps and you'll be back to hunting those pesky mutants in no time.

Firstly, try relogging, usually this will resolve any issue.
Secondly (if the above fails), contact the online Game Master and ask for help.
Thirdly (if no GM is online), you can use the /unstuck command WHICH WILL KILL YOU and respawn you at the nearest Lifenet facility.

11 - How do I contact or see the online Game Masters
If your issue isn't major I'd advise contacting a Hazmat player volunteer who'll be more than willing to answer any questions you have. Else you can contact the online Game Master by opening the social window (O) and clicking the GMs tab.

12 - Is there fast travel?
Yes there is.
To use Fast Travel you must go to a relevant Lifenet Centre and 'activate' it before you can travel to/from it. At a lifenet centre (with FT capability) you only need to select your destination and confirm it, and withing a matter of seconds you will respawn there. Do note however that fast travel costs chips depending on the distance. Plus if you're towing your mount it'll cost even more.

A full list of Fast Travel lifenet centres can be found here

13 - Where is a garage/stable?
Garages/Stables are generally found near towns or points of interest. You can find a map of garages/stables for most sectors on the knowledgebase. Article ID's 416 (S1), 524 (S2), 526 (S3), 712 (Deadfall)

As of Patch 2.4 there is now an ability in-game which can be accessed by pressing N then expanding general, it will allow you to locate the nearest garage and get a handy waypoint to guide you to it.

14 - Can I put my mount back in to my inventory?
The simple answer is no, you cannot. Once a mount is activated in the world it stays active unless you place it in a garage/stable to store it, or delete it.

15 - How much is a Yellow/Red/Blue chip worth?
One yellow is worth 1,000,000 white. One red is worth 10,000 white. One blue is worth 100 white.

16 - My x item vanished!
Don't worry. Usually you will recieve the lost item within 60 minutes to your mailbox, in a mail from "Lost & Found". Should you not recieve said mail contact the online GM or contact support here.

17 - What is Trivia night?
Trivia night is an official event hosted (usually) by Tiggs at Embry's bunker bar. You will see announcements when the next one is on the launcher, under the announcements on the forums or on the website.

Trivia night is an excellent little social event where you can meet other players, chat and win awesome prizes!

18 - What's the maximum amount of quests I can have in my journal? Where can I see my quests?
The maximum amount of quests you can have activate at once is 20. You can view all your current assigned quests by opening your journal which is by default J.

19 - What's the maximum amount of crafting processes I can have, where can I see them?
The maximum amount of crafting processes you can have is 1 for F2P (3 if you have ever made a previous purchase), 20 for Survivalist subscribers and 30 for Wastelander/Commander subscribers. You can view them by clicking the small stack of cards in the bottom left of the crafting window. The crafting window can be opened with L, by default

20 - Where can I see the premium account types and what they give?
You can find a comparison sheet of the account types (F2P & premium tiers here.

21 - What's the difference between vaults?
The only difference between the vaults is how common they are. You can place items in one Sector vault in S1 and retrieve them say in a Sector vault in S3.

Sector - Every bank.
Barter - Major Towns, Progress Towns, Faction Territory Control-zone.
VIP - Sector Capitals, Progress Towns, Blaine in S2, Faction Territory Control-zone.
Utility - Los Almos, Embry Crossroads, Progress Towns and Faction Territory Control-zone.

22 - How do I PM someone?
Type "/tell <firstname> <lastname>, <message>". Alternatively you can right-click their name.
NOTE: The comma is a NECCESSITY if they have a first and last name.

23 - What penalties are there to dying?
The only penalties to dying in PvE/PvP are a Cloning Sickness XP penalty and damage to your gear.

24 - Where can I find mount stats?
You can find vehicle/flesh mount statistics on the G1 Fallen Earth knowledgebase located here;

25 - How can I move the camera and see my character from the front?
Out of combat mode (toggle with middle mouse button or TAB by default), hold ALT and the right-mouse button, then move the mouse.

26 - Can I get more inventory/vault space?

You can increase your slot capacity on your player with an item from the FE webstore, the item gives 4 slots (to a maximum of 32), you can also increase your weight capacity by simply raising your strength stat (1 point of strength is 0.5kg). As for vaults, you can increase your slot capacity through various means.. You can craft them, buy them off the auction house, buy them from a reward points merchant or buy them from the Fallen Earth webstore and best of all, no matter where you buy them from they stack.

27 - I've found a bug, what should I do?
Use the in-game /bug command, make sure that you've tested the issue beforehand (relogged/done a file check on the launcher to make sure it's not a random glitch with your client), and confirmed with other players that it's a bug (and not simply your misunderstanding of a quest objective, for example).

28 - How do I get my Veteran reward items? Which one is which item? How do I use them?
Your veteran reward items for having an active in July, August or September (2011) will be sent out to the e-mail bound to the account (and also noted under 'Redeem Codes' on the account page) in August, September and October respectively. Generally the 'first' code is the clothing item (example: Snazzy White Hat) and the second is the pet (example: Skindog Pup). Each code can only be applied to a single character, to do so type /key in-game on the character you want the item/pet on and enter the key there, the item will be in your inventory.

Alternatively you can go to the website www.gamersfirst.com/fallenearth and login, then click Account on the FE page. Click "Redeem Keys" and you will see a list of codes there. Should you be eligable for any of the Veteran reward items and have not recieved them contact support here and they will investigate the issue for you.

29 - Commanders Best Crafting kit

The Commanders Best Crafting kit is a unique item that can be used in place of the other Crafting Kits which (Nature, Science, Geology, Ballistics, etc) to save much needed room in your inventory. It should be noted that it is NOT required as the recipe says. The Commanders Best crafting kit can be purchased from a reward points merchant or the FE Webstore.

30 - Treasure Boxes & Keys

There are four types of Treasure Box (Lockboxes) in the game (Green Copper, Blue Steel, Red Titanium and the mysterious Black box), they can drop from any mob. They contain an assortment of items of varying rarity. Red Titanium lockboxes have a 100% chance to drop a FE webstore item.

You will need a relevant key to open a box (which are also consumable), these can be dropped by Boss/Master mobs or can be purchased via the FE webstore or a reward points merchant. Black boxes do not have their own key and are opened by using Red Titanium keys.

NOTE: Last Update: 19/5/2012 @ 09:16 (GMT) - Applied changes relevant to pach 2.4

Edited by Mansk
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It's a small piece of useful information, though we mustn't the take the NPCs for granted. There are specific NPCs and objects that can be interacted in the game that explain things in more detail. It would be more effective to direct players to them. The list I've found are:

  • Mechanic (1 at the Mumford garage and 1 at a garage between Murphy and Zanesville) - Explains the basics garages and towing etc.
  • LifeNet Fast Travel Terminal (In every LifeNet Fast Travel pod) - Explains how to Fast Travel and other requirements.
  • Town Crier (In every conflict/defense town) - Explains the basics of a Conflict/Defense Town, and their statuses/progress.
  • Blood Sports Converser (Mostly in major towns) - A short history and basic tutorial on Blood Sports.
  • Construction Trainers (In Capital Towns) - A basic tutorial on the Construction tradeskill.
Edited by Guinylen
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  On 5/27/2018 at 4:18 AM, Guinylen said:

It's a small piece of useful information, though we mustn't the take the NPCs for granted. There are specific NPCs and objects that can be interacted in the game that explain things in more detail. It would be more effective to direct players to them. The list I've found are:

  • Mechanic (1 at the Mumford garage and 1 at a garage between Murphy and Zanesville) - Explains the basics garages and towing etc.
  • LifeNet Fast Travel Terminal (In every LifeNet Fast Travel pod) - Explains how to Fast Travel and other requirements.
  • Town Crier (In every conflict/defense town) - Explains the basics of a Conflict/Defense Town, and their statuses/progress.
  • Blood Sports Converser (Mostly in major towns) - A short history and basic tutorial on Blood Sports. 
  • Construction Trainers (In Capital Towns) - A basic tutorial on the Construction tradeskill.  
To add onto this, there is also an NPC in Mumford that gives info for the ATV questline, might be more elsewhere in other old starter towns. 

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