Summary: The Activity Title Is Missing It's Full Name
Description: The "rare nano daily activity" that devil dog has is missing it's final word "Up Close and Personal" is the full name, It says "Up Close and"
Steps to Reproduce:
Well... They are rare activities you can't really "reproduce it" but If you did happen to get it (as i did) here's what you see
1. Get lucky enough to get a Rare daily activity from Devil Dog
2. Observe the Title Of the activity in the "contacts screen" compared to the activity/bio window
3. See how it doesn't feature the full name.
How many times have you recreated this bug: 1/1 (saw someone else with the same issue but only had this activity/bug once) 100%
Results: The activity is spelled "Up Close And"
Expected Results: The Activity should be spelled "Up Close And Personal" as seen in the screenshot below (both taken on the same day)