Regarding a topic that i saw about having weapons as favorites to have them appear at the top of the list i was thinking why not have classes that you can make and choose during missions or before missions? This would make going through weapons less of a hassle and make it easier overall if you want to combat another play style quick and easy.
Having classes wouldn't make it into a arcade type of game like cod or battlefield in my opinion and loose the whole switch your weapon on the go but for someone like me who switches weapons that has a good weapon set up for example joker Tas 20 with joker 'fang' it would save me from scrolling down but i also like to switch it up with a act 44 that's where the old system would still be useful
You can make this a contact unlockable item like the car, theme, outfit space/slots you get from leveling tier 5 contacts up. You can start with 1 then have up to 4 or something around that.
Anyways What do you guys think? i don't know if this was mention before, must have but been overlooked or is in the sea of suggestions