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Hi Everyone, I wanted to write this for a really long time and i decided to do it today. If your name had popped in here, you mean a lot to me. Pls bear with me and read it. I am an Apb player since 2013. I started the game and i took a break. Jus for only reason, i was bad in the game. One of the reason was, my ping. It was close to 300ms. I went to han server which is the closest to me and played there and since there was no players there, i was forced to choose between EU or US. Ping in US was around above 500ms and i got dc'ed in almost every mission. I started to play in EU since 2014's mid. I dont have a good pc and not a decent ping, so it was hard for me. I was thrashed in every mission. In few i got lucky ofc, thx to my teammates. I was bouncing back from silver to bronze and viceversa. My Stabba journey: I get annoyed by players who jus dodge bullets, mock u by running around you. You know how it is in the case when u're having a bad ping and players having a good ping. But thats not the point anyways. I became a silver after few months, thx to pmg's and percs. At one stage i decided to get better or quit the game forever, I made a new character, used only stabba ccg+ pig and grenades (at this point i was determined not to use percs) i wanted to master the stabba pig. I ran around with these combo for months and i arrested crims (bronze dist only) Gradually i started getting better at it. Thanks to WasabiPepChiller for being patient even after i sucked when i was in your team. At one stage i was performing better with ccg and pig combo, i started mocking back crims by putting display banners hoarding "tell me do you bleed?" in it. Stabba is a risky wep and also hard to master, wasabi taught me that. Its fun when played as a team. I jus carried on from there. I made another character maxed the cop role in that as well. Made one in han and came near r 13 in it. My Star556 journey: I thought of playing some other weapon, so i started out with ntec and it was pretty nice and the problem was that my frames were dropping and i couldnt land most of my shots. I realised that playing a weapon like ntec or shotgun worsens my gameplay, so i tried avoiding it. I thought of levelling up my rifleman role, it was hard with my worse aim. I never used my secondary whether it was cqc or medium range. I got outplayed numerous times. Sometimes i managed to kill ppl. I found a group of players who i can play with. Thanks to @Babu999 and his friends. I managed to play the weapon. I played with him and against him numerous times and he helped me improve myself. I started to kill smgs and shotguns with my star556 (bronze dist ) and i moved on. Felt happy at that time. I levelled up my rifleman role till 15 in 3 of my chars. My entry into silver districts: At one stage, i was a dethreater who was jumping back and forth to silver districts to dethreat. I met nask0 in there and he said he was a bronze dist player in the past and he said there is always room for improvement in the game, you jus have to practice a lot to get decent. I played a couple of matches with him and against him. He was an above average player and he always had his cool and he asked me to stay cool no matter what. He carried the team mostly, i was jus pulling the team down. I remember the days when we lost 10 matches in a row and managed to win the 11th. He asked me to play the fc regularly cuz it had the balance of bronzes,silvers and golds all together. So i did. My Journey into fighclubs and learning semi auto guns: You know how fc's are to a silver, i jus lost my patience when players were doing perfect ttk's most of the time. Especially @ReaperTheButcher and GoldSalavation. These guys were really good and they carried the fightclubs when i started out my journey into the fightclubs. The thing which annoyed me most was the way they were using semi autos, @ReaperTheButcher was really good with carbines and Goldsalvation was really good with colby.45 ap or fbw (he jus plays the secondary and ends up getting most of the kills). They jus inspired me to try out semi autos. I was using sas pdw or nfa9 till that date. So i decided to get into semiautos. As usual, i got stomped. Atleast there was nobody to mock u in fc's, everyone is busy getting kills, running around, no one is forcing you to do any objectives. I died a lot. Thanks Panz. You were the best obeya rifle player i've known, you killed me a lot, but you also created a hunger inside me to kill you back, which i did ocassionally xD. I learned to tap fire the guns fbw and obeya, At one stage i was decent enough with these guns. I tried goin only secondary when im bored and guess i wasnt even decent with it. I am still trying GoldSalvation. Thanks to you guys i maxed my marksman role to r15 in 2 of my chars, trying to do with 3rd as well. Thanks to Henryman90 for making such a patient guy in terms of playing in fc's without losing your cool. Though we hardly talked, you inspired me by being a dutiful soldier, who comes to fighclub and goes back. Hvr gameplay journey: Two guns, which i hate the most in apb were hvr and shotguns. I was either bad in it or my ping didnt allow me to play it. I hated playing these guns and hated anyone who was good with it and i hated getting killed by it and hated the player who was in the top 3 in fc's scoreboard xD. Sorry that I hate you @Shini and @Dopefish your videos are real good, except for the shotgun ones, as a person who hates shotguns its common nah? xD. jk. There were days in which i wished i hit the second shot of my hvr by mistake cuz i hit my first shot 2/10 times and i never landed my second shot, except for an afk player who would make me happy occasionally. I gave up on these two guns long back and i decided to play these guns no matter before a month. As usual, i sucked. There was no turning back this time, i had levelled up my roles to a decent lvl now except for sniper and pointman role. So i decided to try the wisp,pathfinder,scout from jokerstore and i still sucked with hvrs. I stuck with the hvr762 and i got rekt and i laughed at my mistakes getting killed by trainees. I was determined to learn the gun no matter what. After 20days, which is before a week, i managed to play decent with the hvr, continuing it till now. Thanks to Marthatwitchapb for suggesting me some websites like to improve my aim and gave me some tips to improve myself as a player. Thanks to Aklo for running around me and not killing me with your shotgun, you are the best in it. I am sure you'll give me some tips to be a decent shotgun player xD. On the whole, thx to the whole apb community, players who have played with me or against me. Sorry if i had hurted you by any means in our matches. You have taught me a lot of things. Sorry that i have dethreated if i had dethreated in your matches, i have quit playing in bronze dist or silver dists before a year or so. I jus wanted to stress out on this point to newbies what Nask0 said to me, there is always room for improvement, you have to play a lot. How do you think you with a few hours can be a better than a player who has spent thousands of hours playing the game? I jus want to stress out this point to the golds in the game, that I know most of you hate silvers, cuz we ruin your gameplay by dethreating, bt we arent equally as skilled as you. try to be patient with us, try helping us out in your free time if possible. Maybe we might get better one day and could play with you. Thanks for reading this thread. Sorry for making it this long to read. TLDR; Jus a formal thank you note to players who taught me the game and message to newbies and veterans who i have played with. You can choose to read it in your leisure time. Yours lovingly, Zirc0nium
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- thank you note
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