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Posts posted by CatInTuxedo7

  1. 2 hours ago, Kewlin said:

    So. . . after all the complaining on this thread. . . can we just like. . . not put this perma stuff up?


    People actually complain about getting more rewards for playing a videogame? It's content made to be roughly equivalent to paid content that you get for playing a videogame, if that's not good enough then you need to grow up TBH.

    Have you ever played "Minion Masters"? You get rewards almost after every single match which takes like 3-5 minutes. And yeah why shouldnt we expect rewards. All we get now is just few in-game $.

  2. I mean I could wait for RIOT 7+ years, cause most of us hate BR. OTW just proved me that BR will never be enjoyable. 




    19 hours ago, GhosT said:

    So I've talked 3 guys into redownloading APB after years because it's finally getting content.

    ... now they're all like "lmao nothing changed" and uninstalled.




    Please don't rush updates that fast in the future.

    Rush updates? Huh what? Dont you know it was supposed to come in March? 

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  3. On 5/20/2019 at 12:33 PM, vfterlife said:

    Just the facts:

    The end of May.
    No RIOT mode. (You, @MattScott personally promised us a new mode, first in March and then in the first half of May. You did not keep the word twice.)
    No new engine OTW. (and even no screenshots! Imagine how far we are from OTW if they still cant even show screenshots.)
    No support.


    Pff what did u expect? Of course everyone who wrote is defending LO (dont worry they will end up like G1, everyone will be complaining about them). People on forums just need more time to realize LO is just same as G1.

  4. 1 hour ago, vfterlife said:

    Good time to get rid of Fallen Earth, @MattScott


    I reason from a business point of view - I dont think that FE will ever cease to be an extra burden on your shoulders. 

    Little Orbit - is a small company with a large number of projects under development today: Unsing Story, Descent (for the price of AAA games), APB and Fallen Earth. 

    I think you took too much upon yourself. You can't handle. At a time when support responds for 1-2 months, you are simultaneously developing 4 games, and call yourself GamersFirst.

    Publish derogatory support statistics, as if you can't do anything about it.  Nothing personal, but if you do not cope with the task that can be solved by increasing the number of employees, and publish support statistics - stop doing it.  Just ignoring this question would be more ethical than every two weeks to shrug, as if you do not know how to solve the problem.


    I dont expect an answer, but I’ll just ask: under what conditions did you buy the G1? Or maybe it was not a purchase, but a merger?

    Your approach is identical to the old G1 approach. (old G1 also talked to us. They talked while they were fine. I do not see any differences between old G1 and new G1. They also liked to take more projects and not cope with them) 



    G1 and LO are just same. Everything is still delayed and yeah they are small company like G1, meaning they cant handle this.

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