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Posts posted by ninjarrrr

  1. this is the same person who thinks the playerbase is entirely responsible for the games downfall and is nothing to do with the failures of G1/LO

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  2. 19 minutes ago, Nanichi said:

    The trouble is for these symbols to be dealt with a GM must witness it in real time or a player must contact support via ticket or email to make a report the email is: Support@gamersfirst.com

    and yet you still do nothing, I made a support ticket regarding cringe Z symbols 6 months ago and aswell brought it your attention on this thread, all you did was delete my posts, and the screenshots I reported are STILL on steam

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  3. so my post with links to someone posting Z symbols on steam has been deleted yet those screenshots can still be viewed since LO didn't even remove them (surprise to nobody)


    absolute hipocrisy, barking at someone for having a confederate flag but blatantly ignoring a huge violation like this, whats better is that I even made a support regarding this 6+ months ago and still nothing


    so no nanichi you don't enforce against people using "political" symbols, stop pretending please

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Nerima said:

    If you're homeless.. JuSt BuY a HoUsE????


    EAC is one of the best anti-cheats out there but it needs consistant watch and adjustments for specific game- and LO clearly doesn't have enough resourses for that. If it never happened to you - good for you, be glad for being a bit more lucky than many others. There's been many confirmed false-ban cases for absolutely random reason. I dont think this particular one has anything to do with flaws but I do believe we're looking at another random EAC glitch that must be attentively looked into by devs.

    ur dumb, stop talking pls

  5. 37 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    For the record, I completely own the situation with console. I feel bad about it. I've been talking about console upgrades for years. I was excited to show PS4 running day/night when I posted that video on Twitter.


    When we got involved with APB, it was a simple plan:

    - Remove Joker Mystery Boxes and make Legendaries accessible through Joker Tickets

    - Finish APB 2.1 with upgraded lighting, 64-bit compatibility and better performance

    - Upgrade the anti-cheat

    - Finish the Battle Royal mode that would add some spice to the game

    - Add 2 new contacts, new clothing, new guns, and a new car

    - Upgrade console once we had PC merged onto the console code base


    Unfortunately nearly every part of that plan was all flawed. And it took us more than 3 years of wasted dev time to realize that.


    These are painful lessons as a CEO. It wasn't for a lack of trying.


    20 months ago, we threw away most of that plan because it wasn't working. We started over from the APB 1.20 code base. Unfortunately the current situation with console was the casualty of having to start over.


    now time to do the right thing and just make an exit ie shut the entire thing down, along with your company since you can't even be faithful to a single game lol, i heard STFU keeps getting delayed ayy lmao

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