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Posts posted by ninjarrrr

  1. 7 hours ago, Deadliest said:

     Ships That Fly Underground needs to stop development its going to die on arrival.


    no one cares about ships skin nfts trust me. they will be worthless.





    i played the STFU beta and its one of the most bland games i've ever played, it literally feels like piloting a free camera through a linear level, there is no feedback, no rumble or vibrations etc to help you pretend you are piloting a ship, I even got banned from the steam forum for giving criticism LMAO, its just another one of those games matt pretends to have saved, like he did with apb and unsung story, just buys them out to promise the world then fucks off and does nothing for 6+ years :)))

  2. still pending driver certification, because as much as i hate microshit they are doing good for once by preventing this malware from being signed lol, but it doesnt matter anyway, with matt's approach to not banning cheaters there might aswell not be a fucking anticheat!


    if matt was so certain about how good SARD is, he'd just leave it to autoban, the fact he's going down the route of "cheat points" instead of perm bans shows he doesn't have much faith in his product (maybe listening to too many false bans posts) or he doesnt want to perm ban his main source of income it seems, very sad.





    lmao lol, even

    • Like 2

  3. explains how they can keep a <500 population game alive when there is nothing to spend money on and nothing worth buying ever gets released, plus LO doesn't have anything else to earn revenue from since their other projects just fail lol (see stonehold or whatever mobile game they were working on just got silently nuked whilst in development haha) and somehow matt can afford to fly off to gamescom germany (to show off what exactly?)


    also why matt finds it in his heart to keep this game going, anyone with sense wouldve nuked it long ago

  4. On 11/16/2024 at 10:53 PM, MageLO said:

    Skybox changes


    We have decreased the sun-light intensity during the following time of days to avoid cases in which the Sun could make the Skybox extremely bright.


    • 5 AM
    • 6 AM
    • 9 AM
    • 5 PM


    solution to this? bring back RTW skybox





    or maybe LO should just stop listening to *certain* people who want an excuse to use file edits, like removed sky etc



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  5. 19 hours ago, Nanichi said:

    Honestly I handle speed hackers when I see them as well as every other GM when we each are available to do so.

    I do not condone or recommend you add fuel to a already raging dumpster fire otherwise you could in fact get caught up with the very speed hacker you are raging about and incurr actions your very self. 'Don't do it!'
    1: File a /report in-game.
    2: contact a in-game GM we are generally on Official Little Orbit discord hit us up, Hit Mage_LO up let us know we got an active speed hacker.


    a better option would be to actually turn on SARD and let it deal with them, don't you think?

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  6. and thats surprising to who exactly? either SARD is "turned off" (because LO is going to manually review every flagged account, from the same company that takes 3 months to answer a support ticket lmao) or its still "learning" which i'm curious about because if it's not going to be auto banning then whats the fucking point machine training it lmfao. LO never gets their story straight and the SARD discord was the developer just using the same cut and paste response to dodge any criticsm about SARD being more useless than punkbuster ever was.


    making a prediction that LO does another unbanwave and jumps to another anticheat a year or 2 from now 🙂

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  7. ayyy lmao the crusade against stabba players is so obvious, i mean, stun stealing isn't even a demerit. instead LO thinks the priority should be to nerf anything with stamina damage (DMR AV, dog ear etc) and just ignore that stabba is a thing. now we had 2 balance patches and yet, the weapon family that got nothing but nerfs conviently got excluded from any sort of buff, hilarious really.


    but again im not surprised since i've heard that their "reformed" testing team has someone with 17 bans (never cheated though ofc) and only plays with ntec+45+concs, so stabba never will have a chance of getting buffed

  8. 1 hour ago, TheSxW said:

    but stabbas are preety op imo... i hit cop15 with only using pistol stabba (not the one shot one)

    ....if only, TTS on stabbas is far higher than any TTK for a gun plus worse accuracy (on the TG8 atleast)


    just because you can use the TG8 to max out cop 15 doesnt mean its op, it actually loses out to every other secondary except maybe the snub lmao and the pig isn't 1 shot



    6 cop 15s btw

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