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Posts posted by OvermoderatedForum

  1. It took me 4 months to get a response. I accidentally deleted my Old Glory while cleaning out 60? Pages of 3 day guns. LO support does work. Some people told me to re-send my ticket and that it was lost, but I didn't resend it (Because I stopped caring after a month of silence) but in the end it was not lost. It was eventually answered properly and professionally and now my Old Glory is back. Patience is key I guess. Is it a good response time, no lmao. But it works I guess

  2. I might be wrong but as mentioned above it sounds like the gun given to w1llow on Colby back in the day after she won a contest. So yeah, def a unique contest gun. No hopes of getting it anytime soon or ever.

  3. This is my idea to make the RSA Hunter one of the best secondaries on Armas.

    First, swap High Mag Scope for Hunting Sight 3. I'm a minority where I actually love High Mag Scope but the weapon would be better off with HS3 in general.
    Secondly, make the weapon actually skinnable. The mesh is identical to the normal RSA so the UV Map must be too. So being locked to the tacky Zebra skin is insane. Solution? Make the Zebra skin available as an Armas-purchase-exclusive skin just like the N-Tecs "Gobi" skin from the Paramilitary pack, or the Atac's Brute Weapon skin from the "Armored Urban Warfare Pack."

    If this happened I think that the RSA would see a moderate comeback into use and the weapon would sell more. Win/Win for everybody yes?

    • Like 1

  4. 80480405-7708-4be2-9d7a-3e140cb249cb.jpg


    Can we get a vital weapons pack but with all of the F2P secondaries in it?

    CJ3 SNR (lol?)

    There are a few special variants of secondaries on the market already but a lot of them are gimped or pointlessly overpriced, on top of being sold individually.

    -The RSA Hunter for example has one of the worst mods it could possibly have locked onto it like along with one of the ugliest skins in the game that can't be changed for some unknown reason.
    -The ACT Pillager has CJ3 on it which I don't find to really hurt the gun or help it either which makes the higher G1C price being paid for it redundant. 
    -PDW Hotfoot's mod is okay if it fits your playstyle but still increases drawtime which isn't the best thing for a secondary meaning most won't bother using it at all
    -NFA9 Quickdraw is ultra solid but it already draws so quick that 3PS doesn't justify the $40 price tag
    -I think throwing the old retired CJ3 SNR into the pack would be a nice novelty thing while also being relevant to the pack as even the normal SNR isn't available perm anymore.

    And ofc anyone wanting to upgrade to special versions of any of the F2P secondaries can do it later on meaning the addition of this pack could net LO an extra chunk of profit in the long run.

    Please take my money and Remember The Alamo, thank you.

  5. This is why I like running recording software like Nvidia Shadowplay. Even if I'm not manually recording I can just use it to open up the last few minutes of gameplay making it easy to send in a report ticket if anyone does anything slimey like this

  6. 7tw2dPy.png

    Can we get a fix on this gun? The animation assumes the grip is there. But it's not. It looks awkward at all times. Who holds a gun like this? Not Mr. T. Not Peewee Herman. Not Mr. Bean. Not nobody. Nobody. Anyway. Even if it gets the generic 1-handed fire secondary SMG animation I'd be happy. TYVM<3

  7. I'm down for any new animations in general tbh. Hugs and kisses wouldn't be a bad addition.
    Then there could be stuff like taking selfies that the ingame camera adjusts to like in GTA5 and WoW.
    Maybe a /tastyburger emote that makes you eat a Tastyburga.

    I'm not trolling.

    Even better if they have facial animations. A select few of existing emotes actually do have facial animations and it's odd seeing your character show emotion in APB cause it's almost nonexistant otherwise.

    So yeah. More for-funsies animations in general would be a great addition, hugs & kisses included

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  8. I don't think such a feature would be worth using a vehicle mod slot for but this would fit perfect as an option on the team menu / friend list section.
    Could be able to change driving permissions for team / group independently

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  9. I don't think the pop dipped because of bans. It dipped because a lot of people aren't happy with the current patch and things like Monster Hunter World coming out also didn't help.
    They'll be bak just give it a few weeekeroonos

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