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  1. I have a GTA config i would like to use for Reshade in APB, because APB graphics are downright ugly compared to All points bulletin and RTW version. Not sure why the devs don't want to bring back the shaders and bloom stuff like it was years years ago. This game is awful looking now lol. So can we use reshade? 14 YEARS AGO, Game visuals and graphics looks way better. how is that even possible for 2024? lol
  2. Why does the console version look way better than the PC version upgrade? Even the UI design , menu's and fronts on the console look more up to date and look better? also from that video, the game looks pretty much the same, the lighting and bloom quality is barely showing, night time needs to have more bloom quality. Also, when is the engine upgrade going to be release in 2020? geez.
  3. Just add the bloom settings in the option menu, to high to ultra high , so we can get the glow night time look. Thank you
  4. Real Time Worlds / RTW visuals and graphics looks way better. Also where's the Bloom settings at Night time? Sorry but if these are the engine upgrade on how they planned to look, its looks bad.
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