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Posts posted by Tako

  1. 2 hours ago, Resine said:

    7 or 8 years late to for that.

    imho people do scrip it to reduce the time it takes to shoot 2nd bullet.

    In theory you achieve TTK of 0.1 which is the same as hitting first and third bullet from an Obir.

    Automated on FC should be great. If you miss the snub you can have 2nd shot ready within 0.65sec.


    Personally I would patch it out, only if to reduce people's frustration dealing with memes.

    I wish it was only a meme tho, but even if it happens rarely for some players to have it perfectly work, some others "master it" or "script it" and then i'm sorry but it becomes quickly unfair.

    I'm in no way frustrated about the meme part, but by the fact that this meme happens to turn into unfair situations 😉

    • Like 1

  2. On 4/17/2020 at 1:51 AM, greenfield said:

    These days people complain about everything... literally.

    We're taking to many things for granted and behave like someone always owes us something.


    This quarantine made me realize that i was not appreciating certain things, but now.. while in lock down, i kinda miss them.

    So basically, perhaps to a much smaller degree, i guess some of us may feel the same when this game will actually be gone and only then we will realize how good it was when LO was still working on it ..and how stupid we were complaining about every minor thing instead of actually enjoying it, even in the state that it is. (which imo is by far! not as bad as many of you makes it look)

    Literally only relevant post in this thread.

    • Like 1

  3. Yes, apb should really have a tutorial rework, or anything related to new comers (beginner free pack or whatever could keep new players playing the game)


    If anyone from LittleOrbit staff could do statistics, on how many new players join the game for the first time every week, and how many of them leave after a few hours.

    I'm convinced these statistics would show a huge amount of players we're losing on the first hours of gameplay.

    If the game was more intuitive in the first place, i'm pretty sure apb player-base could rise a bit, even in its current state.


    • Like 2

  4. Having a good mice does help indeed, but not by so much. In my opinion a mouse that perfectly fits you is what you need, then the skill only comes with other adjustments.

    A good mice is :

    - A good shape (fitting to your hands depending on how you grab a mouse aka palm grip, claw grip, fingertip grip or 131) 

    - Good sensor

    - Lightweight if possible (mices are getting lighter and lighter these days since glorious came out with their sick Glorious model O that worth only 50$, but weight depends on you too.)

    - Good cable or no cable if possible


    But again you really need to know that a good mouse fitting your hands is what you need, you won't instantly become better using a new mouse that fits you more than the previous one, but it'll be easier indeed to improve using a good product that you feel comfortable with.

    I own many mices and now I just switch between all the mices I got because I can't seem to have a real fitting mouse, but that's a lefthander problem so anyways.


    Also you should never ever focus your whole time on "aim" purpose, being good is having a good aim, but also moving around maps using your brain, using the environement to your advantage etc...

  5. 1 hour ago, LilyV3 said:

    I didn't full time APB when I was new and back then FC's needed a lot more time to furfill their tasks.


    The only bad move G1 did was reducing FC JT's when they made contact JT's. This is bad for new players because they cannot access the Contacts dailies before maxing the contacts.

    So in the end all LO would need to do is up JT's again a bit from the FC's or add beacon back as  a third one and there is one more way to get JT's. but even the current situation makes it well possible to get the guns in a reasonable time.


    Exactly what I had in thoughts about adding beacon as a third fc, in which we could additionally earn jts. And yes of course setting the old jt amount would also be cool.

  6. 1 minute ago, LilyV3 said:

    people still grind a lot, probably even more if I look at all those Asia grinders that exist now compared to the mid 00's

    And 5-6 weeks for a permagun is not that much at all, thats like 10 guns a year, it helps newer players a lot if they can afford the basic to go guns like N-tec and H-NVR in like half a year without having to rerelease them.

    That works in the case where you can full time apb, which isn't everyone's case 

  7. The easiest gun in Asylum is definitely a jg, it requires no skill, use corners to your advantage, only peak when you're behind a corner and an enemy is rushing you.

    That's how you play easy way and again it requires absolutely no skill, in the other hand if you want to be good at the game, just challenge yourself and play guns that you can't really play or are hard to use in a cqc map like asylum.

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