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Posts posted by AquaSensei

  1. Hello when i try to make a support ticket keeps redirecting me to facebook instead of support, with the message "An Error has occurred". Im logged into forums but everytime i click for support i get redirected to facebook.

  2. I like your halloween clothing, however it almost goes bdsm but same time im confused as to why...i know sounds cringey but why no "gagball" mask, yet a title "Naughty" please add this mask as id wear it with this clothing 100%

  3. Heya, i had an idea for those that enjoy modifying their car. How bout the ability to raise/lower car height on cars. Something about a lowrider creating sparks on pavement makes my palms tingle.

    • Like 5

  4. 1 minute ago, Uke said:

    Because input lag is annoying.

    Even with advanced launcher ( have tried it) you still get stutters anyways, i dont know how many times ive either turned a corner in a car to crash into a wall or shoot a rocket and a civilian just pops infront of me at the beep (XD) But yes we all know lag sucks, it happens, heck it happens with all the games ive played and ya just learn to get used to it. I noticed its alot less of a problem in you get a few beers in ya (18+/21+) Meh i do feels tho, hope it gets fixed.

  5. Used to have atleast 80 (even that is sad) players on at 4am, now its less than 30....Thanks for unbanning the cheaters and banning legits that got mouthy or rude or griefed or did something that didnt involve cheating. By the time you release engine update, your game wont have anymore players, probly just SPCT's and your staff. I don't know how you think anything can save this game, its like a burnt piece of toast now. No value anymore, no reason to login. Had fun, lost one account, thought i could continue on a reroll and realised you dont care for the community anymore. You're the same as G1. Promises and promises. But just a dead cat on the side of the road.


    Time to move on. Sorry bois, but as off 5:22 am, Jericho has only 17 players online down from the usual 60. Guess ya dont have to worry about banning anyone now, you have no one to ban hahaha. o7 peace

    • Like 5

  6. Hello all, i figure after reading the constant "Ima cry, im getting rekt by a dethreat player" threads, i decided to break it down for you.


    Trainee - Can achieve any threat depending on K/D and win. (Can join all threat districts)

    Bronze - Can achieve Green and Silver threat. (Can join all threat districts)

    Silver - Can achieve Bronze and Gold threat. (Can join Bronze and Silver District)

    Gold - Can Achieve Silver threat. (Can join only Silver district)


    Now onto the more extreme reasons why you see a gold in a lower threat district.


    1) They aint good enough, they become silver, they can join bronze.

    2) Their friends play in a lower threat district, they dethreat and join them.

    3) Toxic but > They dethreat on purpose to have easy opposition.

    4) They dethreat just cause they can.


    Theres no explanation but ill keep it brief.


    - You're new. Learn something. (Upthreat/Dethreat)

    - Reroll, well guess it wasnt a good time at that time. (Upthreat/Dethreat)

    - Maybe they did gain a unfair advantage via an aimbot or something. (Major Upthreat)

    -You didnt play. (Dethreat)

    -You chat more than actually play. (Dethreat)

    -You went afk. (Dethreat)

    -You drove away from objective (Dethreat)


    I get upset too but after awhile you realise its easier just to not cry about it and move on to the next match.

    Watch their score too, pretty easy to identify a legit from a cheater. If ya get a 4v3 and they can't call backup, you may or may not get rekt. Varies.


    Now to the point. Dethreating is bannable but is more of an offense if you team kill or not help your team at all. If ya stop tryharding, you can join your friends wherever, and whenever but at the same time least rock a car spawner and supply ammo to your team, otherwise yes, you are useless and considered a dethreat.




  7. Sorry @CookiePuss but just because it says so dont mean they gonna follow it. You must be a enforcer cause no criminal follows rule. I don't know how, when, or where you grew up, but yea no....Just cause it says in rules dont mean people will follow it, 11 players have been banned for this stupid rule and they have told their friends that used to casually play apb to quit and find a new game...1 player gets banned from dethreating, they tell their other friends and you banned one but you lost another 30 players, nice job. At this rate apb gonna be so dead that elvis wont be able to breathe anymore. gg (yes i know elvis is dead)

  8. 23 minutes ago, blockblack said:

    I know how to gain JT, I am also rank 195 and have these mods, and again, It did not help, why none of you gets it.

    Hm okay, I admit it, they are just exploiting my team, but LO should really do something about that in the next updates by making enemy cars don't reach it's max speed.

    Carsurfer, 4x4 and having a certain weapon isnt an "Exploit" Its called common sense. Lets say the basics, you dont bring a sub machine gun to a hvr fight, same thing here, don't bring a non modded character or car to a briefcase fight. Don't have the proper guns, mods, you will lose, thats just how it is dude. Sorry you felt this was a "Exploit" but it isnt, a "Exploit" is like hiding a briefcase under the map with a shield or abusing a broken weapon or doing something that isnt suppose to happen. Running with car surfer and osmaw is legit. Not considered an "Exploit" Im done here. ❤️

    • Like 1

  9. 1 minute ago, blockblack said:

    Bro, you still don't get it, They exploit the whole game, since if you put objective on a vegas 4x4 and boost it with nitro booster and drive on max speed and take random un-expected corners by enemy and have OSMAW with blow-torch on your roof, you are simply un-stoppable and can beat anyone, no one can stop you, so it is considered an exploit to the whole game.

    Considered a "Exploit" cause the op team has more brains you do, they are using what they have in their arsenal to defeat you. LOL

    • Like 1

  10. 7 minutes ago, blockblack said:

    Brother, say a helpful reply or shut up. Don't say crap like the Original Poster is crying and he could have done that and done that, Also read the previous replies before replying, because the other folks that replied said the same stuff you said like getting car surfer and being on a roof of a car with osmaw/alig and it failed terribly since the driver of the car I am on the roof of it is so dumb, And Again, Keep your reply helpful and non-repeated or just don't reply.


    I did help, maybe he don't know how to obtain joker tickets, maybe hes new or he doesnt fully understand how "Capture Briefcase" objectives work, dont throw me under the bus for explaining it jeeez. Im not trying to be a D bag just read his post and gave my honest opinion. Whatever m8 ill go listen to jonny cash hurt, cause apparently no effs given for giving so little input.

  11. Why is this even a subject, car surfer is designed for 195 and up and even at that you can do fight club for joker tickets, get trial car surfer and rock an alig with carsurfer without being 195, i think this guy taking the easy way out, cry about it enough and maybe staff or game devs would change it but then what would be left of carsurfer....The logic behind this post is this > "Im incompetent to find a solution so i cry about it and hope someone cares." Bro go buy an alig, get trial surfer from ophelia and stop the tears. People gonna run obviously cause in their possession they are defending the package from you. Get your team to t bone them or just like that other guy said, go afk, go do your makeup, make a sandwich and wait for a new match. We probly could all argue about things like this but then again it would just be a giant cesspool of tears and nothing done about it so dont waste your time. Dont like a mechanic? Dont play. You know exactly what ya got yourself into when you play any game, frustration and brainwork. I hope this doesnt fall under shaming but to be honest you're crying that a veteran with more time and experience out smarts you, find a way around it. One day you gonna have surfer and a osmaw and you're gonna be able to do the same thing, btw they removed the 3 minute cooldown for nitrous 3 so you dont have to be premium to get a 60 second nos CD, and 4x4 is obtainable via 2 methods, 10k jt's for doing FC challenges and buying firehawk off ARMAS. Hope this helps.


    Nice picture Eva, looks like a combat gal using star 556 valentines :3

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