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  1. Don't be a smartass n u should be good There's spesific ppl that run into such "bad" luck.
  2. Galliwix

    APB Error

    The servers are restarted now, you can connect ^-^/
  3. Galliwix

    APB Error

    The servers are restarted now, you can connect ^-^/
  4. Unscheluded maintenance ? Maybe idk Servers are restarted.
  5. Galliwix

    APB Error

    Hey, Don't being worried, the server say "there is already someone connected" but it's because you was logged when Citadel stopped and your character "stayed" in the server, I tried to connect with my other accounts and I could reach the characters page but couldn't connect, the problem is just from the Citadel server, they got ddos or crashed or something other like maintenance maybe ^-^/ We just have to wait they restart the servers :3
  6. Don't being worried, the server say "there is already someone connected" but it's because you was logged when Citadel stopped and your character "stayed" in the server, I tried to connect with my other accounts and I could reach the characters page but couldn't connect, the problem is just from the Citadel server, they got ddos or crashed or something other like maintenance maybe ^-^/
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