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Posts posted by RandomCatface

  1. 9 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:



    please guys, just stop it



    Actually, there were "rumors" of friends of friends who used to play with admins on alt accounts back then. Soooo...yea idk. All I know is there was a lot of back pocket crap going on. Still was recent. Now with LO hopefully all that is over.

  2. 50 minutes ago, SelttikS said:

    Get rid of one of the small bonus effects that ltl gives for what reason? Maybe we should just go back to something closer to RTW days. Re-balance back to then, add back all the content that was removed and all that was left out for reasons unknown. Having to chose more health or more stamina, and things like that would be a nice change up... for like a week till the meta gets figured out.


    Its a bonus you should not have. It's a direct advantage to missions. Yea you make less money with LTL but over the course of a few missions, you can make a lot in fightclub if your actually good and its fun not like farming stores... Not to mention enfs can camp crims and take the money. EZ. Yea that would be an argument if this was not possible.

  3. Sounds fair to me.  If they earned that progression while cheating it's null. If not then fine just unban them. I'm sure they will sort out everything and see who needs to actually be unbanned. At least you got your account back...


    Unfortunately, a lot of people who did get banned came back cheating full force reroll faceroll. Let us see how that changes with BE/FF. They might be at the point of no return...



  4. I don't know about you but when I first started playing this game, there weren't anime tiddies all over the place. It slowly got worst.


    Really has nothing to do with free speech. Tired of seeing social filled with trash 24/7 tho. You can have your basic mainstream weeaboo anime thot just cover it up.

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