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Farbon Ciber

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Posts posted by Farbon Ciber

  1. 4 hours ago, SkittyM said:

    You must not have noticed that Reloaded gave the OCA an actual buff that nobody asked for.  Resulting in it becoming the sole close quarters meta.  It's nerf is needed as many people have asked for it.

    I was not aware of this and I appreciate it , however I still believe you would upset far less people if you improve other weapons rather than negatively change a weapon that is been in use for years, especially if said weapon was purchased with rl money

  2. 18 hours ago, MattScott said:



    OCA-EW 626 (And varieties):

    Fire interval from 0.092 to 0.098 seconds,

    Accuracy Recovery from 5.675 to 5.25





    again, rather than weaken the game play of an existing weapon that has been in the game for many years......please focus on fixing truly horrible weapons that no one plays


    As I have stated many times, you have neutered three weapons that I have purchased with actual cash


    I just don't understand why we risk upsetting players 

    • Like 1

  3. On 9/13/2019 at 6:41 AM, LewdLemming said:

    I understand where the Op is coming from with his post, but keep in mind a few things:


    1) R255 doesn't equate to being all that skilled, it just means that you've put in the time to level up your contacts.

    2) Sometimes, someone with a gold threat level might have just turned gold the previous match or two ago.  I've had that happen to me.


    Plus, I thought there was a change made recently where it now blocked golds from entering a bronze district?  I'm sure I've tried to join a bronze server as a recently turned gold player to play with my buddy who is silver and was blocked ...


    And to add to this, I'll play silver district when I'm gold, but end up getting destroyed by a number of fishy golds.  I'm one of those who keep getting switched between silver and gold (as I guess I'm right at the edge of the two threats levels), but wish it would keep me at silver so I don't have to deal as much with those golds that are consistently getting 20-30+ kills a mission (against other golds).

    This is me


    also if I am gold how do I play with my friends who just joined the game so I can show them the ropes?

  4. 10 hours ago, AxeTurboAgresor said:

    What weapons do people even play with, and in what range that they cant counter ntec? If ntec kills you while u r holding an smg in its comfortable range, well Iam sorry, but u are simply bad or u just messed up. There is nothing more into it. Ntec is not OP, and does not need any change.


    there is sooo many off-meta underpowered weapons that would use some buffs or seriouse tweaks, becouse they are mostly outclassed or they are straight up useless - and you could do this instead of nerfing the most ballaced, and skill based weapon of whole game.



    Joker SR15


    Agrotech ACES SMG

    CAP40 need 3 open slots


    FFA Bullshark

    H-9 Curse

    ISSR Artemis

    NCR-762 'Anubis'

    Norseman series



    SBSR rifle/sniper

    SG-21 Strife








    100% agree with this.


    we must remember that people pay actual money to buy weapons. Weapons should not be nerfed, instead fix the broken weapons to counter

  5. On 9/15/2019 at 11:50 PM, ɱɑƫƫʂϗᎧɨɨ™ said:

    Lol the troublemaker is well below average now, Hence why it was called the Goldmaker seeing those who were actually silver threat would suddenly go gold, But now since it was nerfed those who have it don't use it as predominantly nowaday's, And isn't LO gonna work around with how the NTEC is now seeing they're using it as a basis of gun balancing, And im not entirely saying the obeya CR762 is entirely useless but it's not what it used to be and you know as well as I know what i mean. 

    I bought it, they nerfed it shortly after and I haven't used it since. If you spent actual cash on a weapon, you should get the option of credit if they decide to change the weapon after purchase


    otherwise, whats stopping them from making a really great weapon that a bunch of people really like so that a bunch of people want to buy it. Then turn around and nerf it and the person who spent money is SOL. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Machine659 said:

    Finally, but that game need improvement that we can to earn joker tickets easily, and atm it’s hard to earn joker tickets now.

    Agreed, the average player obtains joker tickets very slowly


    add more ways to get them

    increase how many you can get 

    make it where you can sell Joker Tickets in auction and take them instead of cash

    sell Joker ticket packs on Armas


    just a few ideas

    • Like 1

  7. 19 hours ago, Kewlin said:

    Matt, for the love of God, please, stop with the reworks for the sake of reworks. Nobody complained really about shotguns before you changed them, and as it is they only need minor tweaks. If I want to play the JG, I want to play the JG, not the Showstopper. If you think that people want a more reliable shotgun, add a new, more reliable shotgun, don't change the ones you already have. The showstopper is cool, I like it, but if you want a primary showstopper it should be a new gun, not the old ones we already have and like.


    I've already made a lengthy thread on suggested starting numbers for keeping the original feel of shotguns while implementing your pellet curves, and I urge you to please take a look at them, not because I wrote them in particular, but because I actually got a lot of support.


    I know you think people are just afraid of change probably, but as I see it, forcing changes on all of these guns because you think people don't like that they're too random is absurd. You just are making new guns, deleting the old ones, and putting the new ones in their place, because 3 shot JGs and CSGs are not JGs and CSGs at all.


    (Sidenote: decreasing pellet count doesn't make shotguns more reliable, in fact if anything it makes them more random. Also, a perfectly aimed JG or CSG shot has never dealt no damage, except when there was bad hitreg: they've always been rather reliable in the right hands. I have no idea how you think a complete miss can do significant damage, as that's by definition not a complete miss. It really sounds like you just don't like shotguns.)



    In addition, all the RFP needs is a burst interval or RoF change. We don't need an RFP rework, yet again, if you want an entirely new gun, add a new gun.  The reduced RoF IR3 Fang was really fun IMO, you could reduce the RoF and that would have basically the same affect as increasing it to a 4 shot burst with making it harder, but without entirely reworking the gun. It has the same affect of requiring you to aim more during a burst, but keeps it fundamentally the same gun.



    (P.S. I don't care about skill ceilings or bad aim not being penalized. APB is already a very, very difficult game to get into, and I have never thought, "well geez, I hate that this gun doesn't need you to be a pro at aiming.")

    I agree with you and would like to add that it isn't cool when a gun is purchased with actual cash, I play with it for months and incorporate it in to my play style, just to have it nerfed. I would prefer that all guns be left alone once they pass through testing and that if you need to balance, introduce new guns that counter the "over powered" ones. Alternately, off a refund if a gun is changed after purchase


    • Like 2

  8. This may not be possible, but what if the focus was to get the map closest to completion done  then release the Engine upgrade with the single map, which would allow us to start enjoying sooner, then LO would focus on the other maps, perhaps focusing on the maps with contacts first


    i realize you need both Financial and Waterfront to rank up, but perhaps that can be worked around somehow



    • Like 2

  9. Thanks for doing this event. 


    Can we also devise some events that don’t require us to sign in during set Hours?


    To clarify, I would like to see an event where for one day only you have to complete a task to win the reward, but it doesn’t rely on you being available during such a small window. This would allow more people to participate



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  10. The sale states, up to 50% off. Did anyone find   Anything for 50% off


    can we adjust some of these more expensive items to 50% off?


    it would increase the chance that they would sell. 


    This is could be a nice way to reward the people that have been sticking around all these years waiting for the  EU and new content


    just saying

  11. 3 minutes ago, ShaiShai said:

    I really appreciate your response, thank you


    Having said that, I don't feel like I should spend time researching why the game I spend a crap load of money on is suddenly throwing up messages from the Anti-Cheat program



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