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Posts posted by Kariiim

  1. On 1/8/2019 at 3:08 AM, Vnight said:

    Today i would like to talk about the obvious shit going on, that some of us feel guilty about it whenever we DARE! To talk about it somehow...Disguised by formal excuses like "rules")...

    I would like to talk about the garbage being allowed in the bronze section(where i play, and will always play regardless of your hate and my threath level). in other words, WHY THE HELL ARE GOLDS EVEN ALLOWED TO STAY ON THIS SECTION.... when its been clear for years that they do that intentionally to troll newbies and silvers.... jeezus i can't imagine any game allowing trolls to take over, fucking degenerate ignorance.

    Go figure.

    And to think that i need autohotkey for a different game(that doesn't have it as blacklisted) but apb fucking kicks me from itself regardless (i multibox... basically i play more games at the same time lol, its called multi tasking), even if i'm not using it for this game... it makes my apb experience drop even more than it used to be... i mean wtf have we gained so far... lol hackers are as they always used to be, we got a new gun that its overpriced in ah, and we also got no lag fixes, as  my friend said from his first impression, that this game its garbage cuz of its extreme lag issues... not sure what we have actually gained since LO... but whatever... i'm a devoted moron.

    My experience was always the same before LO and after LO... so that's why i can't see much of that so called IMPROVEMENT!!!

    In my experience, all we got its simple bullshoot feeding the sheeple that actually believe in everything that's being typed in here.

    I can't believe this game actually blocks legal script programs, and totally allows illegal ones...(tested them myself) to freely enjoy themselves...probably the most common issue about all the games in this world, but still... you are fucking up my legal and illegal perception of normal and illlegal experience over the excuse about trying to cover hacking scripts...  oh and by the way, i still use my LEGAL mouse/keyboard script program(that i bought as a package)... which means i still automatically use my semi weps, regardless of your shitty restrictions as fully automatic....(which i still wonder how legal they really are) you said that everything as such is potential bannable among your previous pl.

    Please ban me, i couldn't care less... you ppl sound like you have no idea wtf are you leading at this point.

    I'm not even trying to be a smartass(srry) but sometimes things need to be spoken out(which is your job, not mine.).

    I love this game, but not enough to compromise my dignity.

    So gl with that folks, and have a good healthy new year 🙂

    U last one talk about bronze lmao u can even aim with ur osmaw max rank

  2. 2 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    you say it like you (and every other schlub that would spam this gm with whispers) are always going to be correct


    whispering a gm won’t be all that different from using /report, in both cases a pretty thorough investigation has to be done before a ban happens - if a ban happens at all


    the gm isn’t gonna show up and terminate a potential customer over 5 minutes of spectating and a random whisper

    they can send from mail 😃

  3. i want to have something like gm so if something wrong happened or abused can be banned immediately after he can see the chat logs or if someone  hack can ban immidiatly just whisper him and he can investigate immidiatly and see what he can do 3 days ban week 24 hours like this but if banned prem u can just ban him 6 hours and investigate that's it this may solve many things

  4. 12 minutes ago, Misakaaa said:

    let's keep chating with each other so others can see xD

    bring free trial back or riot! and also 3hours aren't enough to test a gun i need 10h to adjust my playstyle to that specific weapon


    9 minutes ago, Misakaaa said:

    can't do that im saving 10k for a vegas for around 5years now (hope that gets a fix aswell?)

    can they do pundle too xd and bring back the 35 % sales

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