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Posts posted by MySodium

  1. 3 hours ago, AgentWatson said:

    I'm actually sort of shocked how many people voted the Ursus to be "excellent" 50% almost I think it's good not excellent though. Based on that, those same people must think the N-TEC 5 is better than excellent..?

    Of course, right now the HVR, OCA and the NTEC are absolute. 

  2. 1 hour ago, CookiePuss said:

    If these threads have taught me anything its that 80% of the player base has no business discussing weapon balance. 

    Yes, to some extent but i can agree that in fact the Anubis needs a little buff, if not mechanically, then at least change the crosshair into something less aggravating

  3. Removing the unique crosshair isn't going to improve the Anubis on a substancial note. The problem i have with this gun is how inaccurate it is for a sniper rifle, maybe this is due to its time to gain accuracy each shot, i don't know actually but it's really unreliable. No point in using it just for the mobility alone. 

  4. Jesus Christ the amount of sensitive people around here... geez. It's just a game fam. I mean, i don't play APB for the anime feminine features or even just to stare at my character's patootie bouncing all day but hey, there's some people who do (not judging) but that's the beauty of APB, the customization system is so complex and well executed to the point of nudity and sexually explicit content becoming evocative art, it's natural and expected in my perspective. Different tastes, different personalities, different traits, that's how the world works and presumably how APB rolls. 

  5. The only problem i have with weapon balance is the HVR and the Yukon and maybe the OCA. Then there's other weapons that need a buff like the Anubis for example, but overall most weapons in the game are quite balanced.

    For the HVR, either reduce its damage to around 720 or increase the time to gain accuracy even further so that it plays as an actual support weapon rather than a all around weapon.
    Yukon is a meme at this point.. hip fire rate is completely broken
    OCA should be reverted imo, they buffed the fire rate for no apparent reason whatsoever. It was fine the way it was, now it just completely annihilates every other SMG in the game. 

    No opinion on the NTEC even though some people claim for it to be unbalanced, i'm neutral towards it. Maybe make tapping a little more challenging? I don't know honestly. I personally don't use it that much because people main this weapon all the time and it reduces weapon variety overall. 

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  6. They most likely will receive an upgrade or even change provider, Matt was transparent enough to let us know that he'll do whatever it takes to make this game optimal for everyone. It's known fact that the current servers aren't stable enough, so there's no doubt he'll look into it sooner or in the near future. I know this is too soon to light up the fireworks and praise LO but just the communication and transparency with the community over topics and matters that we haven't heard from in a long time being openly explained and discussed is enough for me to gain trust in their company and the game after G1. 

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