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About hiagaweg

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  1. This game's future content should focus on the longevity of the EXISTING player base. Customization is a great part of the game (where the game really stands out from others) as well as just adding more progression/balancing with the last contacts while the harder/technical process changes are being developed. PROGRESSION-The last contacts giving us the 2 locked equipment mod slots and whatever else they were supposed to give/raise the level cap. COSMETIC- Please PLEASE new hairstyles! New hairs/some new clothes that are actually up to 2023 fashion or trend standards. Lots of new female and male clothing updated styles could be added. For example styles like techwhere etc. Even something as simple as some varients to shirts/pants would be nice. For example being different types of crop tops, off the shoulder etc. I think some more smaller updates improving or adding progression/cosmetics should really be prioritized for the longevity of the remaining player base instead of having to wait years/months for an actual game changing update to matchmaking or core mechanics or HUGE fixes that take so long. I think the game has enough weapons ATM. Some more car kits would be nice but there are honestly already a lot to choose from. BALANCING-Some weapon balancing. Please review HIGH DAMAGE/HIGH RANGE weapons such as Obir, Oscar, Ntec-7. Lots of players getting bummed out by losing to these weapons, as they help even lower level players achieve easy kills with them. In addition, killed due to gun difference. I/E Oscar outpreforming weapons like the carbine and Troublemaker outpreforming stock SMGs like OCA/PMG fairly easily. Not to mention the Ntec-7 literally just being a (better version) of the Ntec-5 just doesn't seem right to me(5 shots to kill, tap firing seeming to be more accurate). I don't think these weapons need to be nerfed into the ground. But they should be on par with their other weapon roles with a slight strength I guess? For instance, the OBir is a rifle but it's practically a sniper. Suggestion would be to make the burst bloom to the point where it's only effective around that 60m range where most rifles are supposed to strive. Or the Troublemaker being a Marksman reliant SMG to still keep the strengths of jump marksmaning but not out ttk'ing other stock mobile SMGs. QUALITY OF LIFE- obv a lot of things, but for right now make the yellow mods either cheaper, give us a SLIDER to purchase stacks like the buying ammo feature, OR JUST make them on a cooldown like other active mods. Having to go to social, then having to spend 200k for stacks of yellow mods is absolutely ridiculous. BIG changes to the core of the game or matchmaking will NOT help the player base right now. It is too small, I think the only thing that would stop people from complaining is bringing back threat segregation to stop lower level players fighting golds. But even then this will be cutting the player base into 2 halves. Something the players need to realize right now is there's no way to fix the matchmaking without LONG WAIT TIMEs. Everyone needs to realize the effects of a LOW population game that we still choose to play. The community has already been pretty good about making their own arranged discords and going into lower populated Financial or Waterfront servers and setting up their own "ranked" matches. If LO wants to help out with the matchmaking at all would be to make specific servers for these higher level of players to play arranged with maybe a spectator mode for others to watch. However that would obv take a lot of work from LO to do something like that and I think other content should be handled right now. In conclusion, a lot of people have come back to try 64BIT/ EAC updates. Ultimately left fast because the game is the exact same as they played it years ago. I think the game needs some smaller (IMO) more vital updates, instead of taking years watching the ALREADY EXISTING dwindling playerbase to ultimately quit due to bigger projects that just don't seem to ever really come. Please take care of the existing player base instead of spending so much time on some crazy huge update that might not bring anyone back anyways. I believe if you slowly keep the people that are already playing it, playing it LOL and trying to make changes to bring people that might have left the game before coming back, THEN maybe you can focus on ways to bring NEW people in.
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