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Posts posted by Letter

  1. 15 hours ago, Sniperturtle said:

    that's 4x7% = 28%

    By this logic a gun will have 105% time reduction for 15 shots ttk i.e. it'll kill instantly or even before you start shooting. Actually 7% means (or at least it should) you'll get 15 shots by the time you usually get 14 so for non-rapid firing guns it just doesn't make any sense (yet people slap it into slow firing rifles).

  2. 10 hours ago, INSANITYV2 said:

    Instead of dog ear I'd get the oblivion. Drop a cj3 on it and it's dangerous 

    While we are at it - why do people recommend cj3 that often? It's just 7% increase and seemingly doesn't make a lot of difference (1sec vs 0.93sec). I fail to see any difference - especially considering current matchmaking where my weapons/mods/etc. don't matter at all when I'm being matched vs max level golds in every other game.

  3. At first I was excited about current sale. But suddenly got a realization:


    1) guns are still expensive af ($80 for 5 relatively "cheap" guns I want - approximately 3 times more expensive than in Planetside 2 for example)


    2) current sale isn't the best offer during this year i.e. there will be better discounts;


    3) right now it's unwise to buy anything considering upcoming re-balance and


    4) most likely there will be another sale after re-balance.


    So buying guns right now is a guaranteed disappointment soon (c)

  4. Thanks for the information!


    I've always assumed semi-autos are counter-sniper weapons with at least 60m range - so what's the role of Oscar with it's 40m range? A replacement of an assault rifle for people who are really good with tapping LMB or use perfect mouse-wheel fire?

  5. OP is absolutely correct because


    1) there weren't any warning about an upcoming sale - at least not about sale in the first decade of July, this is complete (and pleasant) surprise;


    2) in many other games including Warframe, STO, Neverwinter (and probably BDO too iirc) devs partially refund - or credit accounts for - purchases made 1 week prior to an unannounced sale.

    • Like 1

  6. 32 minutes ago, Nite said:


    That's your PTSD talking


    Actually that's my 20 years MMO experience talking. Of course after a year of G1's absence any communication from LO look like a heavenly gift to new-ish MMO players but in reality the lack of coupons and sales also look like LO see current player base as indefinitely patient free beta testers for upcoming APB Royale Mobile (or whatever they think will bring them actually interesting big player base worth caring for).

  7. But what about scammers? People scam and trade scammed guns on Citadel almost openly, some even don't change characters and one said he got ~40 guns this way. Besides ruining trading and overall gameplay experience (why even bother with progression if one may scam anything they want?) these simply remove paying customers from the game: some people quit after being scammed.

  8. So if I understood it correctly:

    1) there is no set date for UE 3.5 upgrade - which can take from months to eternity (G1 couldn't finish it during 4 years);

    2) there will be no ARMAS sales, coupons/codes, in-game events till UE3.5 upgrade i.e. for many months.



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  9. 9 minutes ago, Niggs said:

    so when does the game get improved

    They said (approx) "half-way through first project" i.e. 6 weeks since G1 acquisition in May = 50% of work done. So 6 more weeks to get 100% completion = August for trading and weapon re-balance.

  10. There was a similar thread on old forum where a person explained how she have spent 2065$ on Ogre box and didn't got the gun. Also recently in the game a player said "I swear I won't login back until I get the Duck from boxes" - nonetheless 30 minutes later s/he returned, yet without the Duck (and 250 euros).

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