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Everything posted by Kittara

  1. You know, seeing as Little Orbit hadn't actually worked on any good games (in my opinion), those games being Kung fu panda and whatnot, I didn't expect much from this team. However, seeing how much work is going into APB and how much of the community's own input is influencing the development, I can finally say that I have a lot of confidence in this company's ability to make this game better.
  2. Kittara


    This would be a fair nerf. I say remove car surfing with any demo weapon, but OPGL can be avoided, so maybe stick to OSMAW and Volcano having that ability removed.
  3. Kittara


    I'd like to try and start a petition to heavily nerf the Volcano. It has constantly been the bane of the existence of all new players, including some players who can't afford to buy joker boxes or don't have the time to farm all the money. During seize missions, players constantly use car surfer and a volcano in order to destroy all vehicles with no way of veering around it since it fires two shots in rapid succession. As such, I would like to offer a few suggestions to nerf it. To start off, the modification states that it fires two mini rockets instead of a regular one (OSMAW). That said, I think the damage of each missile should be heavily reduced so that it doesn't kill you right away, but instead requires the side arm to be used as a finisher. Secondly, I recommend increasing the charge and/or time. It takes no time at all to charge it up and fire, making rushing a futile option. Finally, I would like it to be only able to fire one missile at a time with out having to reload. That way, it keeps its unique two mini-rocket perk, but doesn't make it a two round burst RPG. TL;DR: Less damage to players, longer charge and reload time making rushing a viable option, and remove the two missiles in one click function to make it two per "mag".
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