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Posts posted by Aeronaut

  1. 4 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    like almost everything else g1 attempted this was just another in a long line of bad quality knockoffs of whatever flavor of the month gaming fad caught their attention


  2. "hey, we appreciate your business with apb reloaded. we are taking all your suggestions and feedback in mind and have huge goals set for the future."





    "also, can we have some money so we can make another game even though we don't have the staff to do so, or are even in the proper state to take on another project? thanks."

    • Like 5


    3 hours ago, Keshi said:

    Well true thats harsh. but whats the point playing with people that don't care about you regardless if teamkill is there or not. i play solo almost all the time and i never deal with this issue tho...

    that's where people are getting confused about. they think i'm talking about allowing teamkills during a mission.


    i'm talking about allowing teamkilling in an unopposed mission/out of a mission in a group a member WILLINGLY joined.



    if you're playing solo, and you get matchmade into an active mission with players on both teams, then the team-kill rule should be in effect. @sony

     made a good point about adding a pardon feature. that'd be useful.

  4. 1 hour ago, BXNNXD said:

    it should just be an option like team alliance is, where unopposed teamkills of group members do not result in a lobby kick

    it should definitely be allowed in a group that you willingly joined. if you accepted a group invite, you have the right to leave at any time. no one is going to force you to stay in the group.


    if you're grouped up into an unopped mission with randoms, of course that anti-teamkilling measure should be in effect. same with fight club. do people not enjoy violent shenanigans with their friends while they're waiting in an UNOPPED MISSION?

    silly downboats.

    • Like 3

  5. Who from GamersFirst decided it was a good idea to disallow group members to teamkill each other in UNOPPOSED missions? It was one of the best ways to kill time when matchmaking didn't want you to play the game.



    Kicking for teamkilling makes sense for fight club or having a random player on your team in an opposed mission go crazy, but it just doesn't make sense when you're idling about, waiting for the game to give you human opposition on the other team.



    It's been so long since they've changed it, but it's still a terrible choice.



    edit: obviously people misunderstood. you shouldn't be penalized for killing your friends in a group that everyone voluntarily joined. even when you're not in a mission, if you killed your group members, you get kicked. it makes no sense in that regard. it's anti-fun.



    edit2: heh it's the ex-g1 staff downvoting. 

    • Like 15
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  6. the formula might be fine if it was a higher player cap for each faction. 



    depending on the threat level distribution of a current instance, it's possible to have a group of 4 match up against 6 opponents. depending on how many of those unequal scenarios happen, that means one faction is going to have a smaller pool of players with the right threat level to help matchmaking make reasonable choices.



    edit: so basically it's inevitable because the player cap is so low. but if you increase the player cap, you bring in performance issues. 

  7. 11 minutes ago, Rubih said:

    I personally don't understand the whole no naming and shaming policy you wanna run. I mean yes, it does create options for toxic sites like ffbans to be run. And I get no bigger games are publically announcing bans. But when you're a community of like 2k active players, it'd be nice to know if I'm just silver at heart (which is the case tbh), or if that rank 140something gold that smashed me the last few days in waterfront was a cheater


    don't worry about all that. unless we're playing for money, just try to have as much fun as you can. if the game is no longer providing fun, you play something else. if enough people adapt to this mentality, this creates a bigger urge for the company to do something because they're losing customers due to a certain area.



    also, if you're playing against someone really good or "really good", just think of it as a boss fight. 

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