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Posts posted by Roblo

  1. On 3/18/2019 at 6:56 PM, Lily Rain said:

    - You "doubt that merging nekrova with citadel will do anything good".

    - You stated that the chat will become 100% Russian, even though other languages than English are also used to communicate in APB.

    - You ask the question: "how we can handle it", trying to brainwash people into thinking that Russians coming over is an epicly bad thing (even though they already exist in Citadel).

    - You went as far as speculating that people would quit because of it (even though Russians already play in CItadel).

    - You "think that it will only get worse".


    You clearly have issues with Russians and you aren't even mediocre at hiding it. I am certain that if you were a board-member at LO, you would have voted against the merge.

    Regardless. It is not a problem. If it was, LO wouldn't be going forward with the merge. Kindly do not try to make it seem detrimental to the game.

    As I said, It's just my thoughts and not racism, dont be so PC.


  2. 2 hours ago, Lily Rain said:

    There should be a rule to timeout/ban this type of racism.

    How was it racist? I didn't really talk shit about the russians, I just shared my 2 cents.

  3. Hello. Citadel will be invaded by russians. I don't know how we can handle it, will people quit, will it bring more people? All I can see in front of me is just a russian chat, no english in chat at all. It's bad now but I think that it will only get worse. I doubt that merging nekrova with citadel will do anything good. 

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  4. CR-5

    9 hours ago, _chain said:

    agreed. picked that pic because other m4s looked kinda like the ATAC. 

    Yeah it kind of does. 

  5. CR-5

    11 hours ago, TacticallyRed said:

    Just buy the silenced VAS. It’s a silenced CR-5 which is just a NTEC

    Not the same thing, and it's not a CR-5.

    11 hours ago, _chain said:

    Pretty sure he wants the tacticool looks of an M4A1/M16 with an acog and a silencer that makes the gun cool and stupidly long, more than the usefulness of said attachments on the gun, even if he specifically said ''purple mod silencer''




    like this!


    it does look pretty sexy. 

    Sort off, just remove the handle on top of it. 

  6. CR-5

    Hey guys, wouldn't it be awesome if they released a CR-5 with a scope and a purple modded silencer on it? 




    I would love to see the devs make this happen.

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  7. 43 minutes ago, TrinityFSB said:

    The COBRA series rifle was modeled after the real life SCAR weapon platform. The SCAR-H by default, was issued/sold with a 20 round mag.  While the SCAR-L had a 30 round mag. 
    Have you tried using the extended mag mod?? 

    I'd rather roll with an bandoiler 3. 

  8. Hello. As you all know, the bullets per mag on the COBR-A weapons are 20 bullets. I'd like it increased since they run out fast, and for a more sustainable use of the weapons. I mean a COBR-A user can't really compete on a shoot out against an N-tec or a STAR.  It is really sad that it has such a low magazine capacity.  

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