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Posts posted by Nymphi-DoubleDee

  1. On 6/9/2018 at 10:50 AM, Dreadarm said:

    No bro, this is not an opinion. People have been using macros since games hit the market. You just think you are special and live in a box. Get over it dude. And everything I said is a fact, do even half a second of googling and you will find details on EVERYTHING I said in my post. Quit complaining and get your own shit setup. 

    I am not trying to argue Macro's are legit game tactics, but really, yeah they should be. Think of people who are handicapped and only have use of specific limbs or digits, they utilize macro's to play games like this. Just because you are too lazy or too stupid to figure out how to equal the playing grounds doesn't mean everyone else who needs them or uses them should be chastised simply because your an entitled little snowflake.


    Of course then this argument opens up another can of worms talking about fair and unfair advantages.


    And then it becomes where do we draw the line.


    In addition to this, I just realized your wheelchair comment, and it is extremely uncalled for. Talking shit about people with legit disabilities is BS and you should feel ashamed.

    You are right! We should be able to set up autofire scripts!


    But why stop there? We should also allow the game to aim for us! And move to the objective! And blackjack! And hookers!

  2. 19 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    i would assume so, im not good at math so i dont see how score would factor in to the formula unless top 50% got the win


    1 hour ago, ScarecrowXIII said:

    Umm, I wouldn't say it works, cause even when I'm in silver district, I face golds that are way above me in terms of skill, and golds that are on my level. So, even within a single threat, skill is still all over the place.

    That's because the pool of available players is small.

    Cross District Matchmaking would make a huge difference. Then it wouldn't matter where you are.


    But that's still a far off option.

  3. Just now, Excalibur! said:

    I have already answered you plenty...

    So far the votes goes like this: 15 agree that should be nerfed; 19 disagree that shouldnt get buffed; 6 are indecise (probably do not use snr); 21 persons couldnt understand the poll (because yes it makes sense and they couldnt catch up): and finally 40 do not want more nerf threads (including me).


    Sum all those people who voted and had not troubles with the poll... i call this a success.

    How do you get these numbers?


    I could see it as 15 agree that it should be buffed, 19 disagree that it should be nerfed.


    Then the other numbers show that you failed in communicating what you were trying to say.


    Because the answer is loaded in how -YOU- want to interpret it.


    Again, see the image?

  4. Just now, Excalibur! said:

    No no no... this is going back to the start. I already explained this.


    I have an even simplier solution for you: go to the poll, select the options you most like and stop worrying about anything else, okay? I would add bright colours to the poll so you feel more oriented but i can't.

    So, you can't even answer....


    Here is a little nugget of wisdom:


  5. 33 minutes ago, Snjezana said:

    Dumb idea. If the matchmaking should work, LO needs to rethink the threatlevel-system in general. Like it's been mentioned before, some are gold, but playing more like a silver guy and some are gold and really, really good. Three threatlevels just mix up too much different skilllevels.

    Match making works, if threats were in their proper areas. But it pulls from available players, and when the threat level is all over the spectrum, like in Bronze, then match making throws up it's hands, and goes, "I guess!"

  6. 23 minutes ago, Zascha said:

    .True, I mentioned no one has explained to me why it's fun outside of being a troll.

    True, no one has responded.

    True, it does add a different style of combat. Hearsay, I don't know that it actually offers a greater reward. Maybe it does?

    Arrests award double points. Also, Cop Role unlocks lights and bullbars.


    I use LTL to try and max the Cop Role.


    It's more rewarding, in the fact that when you get that arrest, it's more satisfying than a kill as well. I worked for it, unlike picking an "OP" gun.

    • Thanks 1

  7. 7 minutes ago, Excalibur! said:

    In the question.

    Thats your choice, you must select one. I cant access the poll once again to show u, but its pretty much like the screenie.

    Question. Is:


    Buff or Nerf?


    Can't select Buff. Can only select Yes or No.


    If I select "Yes", that is stating that it should be buffed and nerfed, as the answer does not specify an option.


    It's like asking, Coke or Pepsi, and you reply with, "Yes."


    So, I want to see an option to select ONLY buff. Not, "yes" to modding a gun.


    How about this, buff or Nerf HVR? Yes or no. You can only pick Yes or No.

  8. 1 hour ago, SelttikS said:

    Sometimes people are right on that cusp of silvergold and as soon as they start playing in silver VS high tier gold skill they pretty quickly drop to silver again. Issue is always that there is more skill gap between a low tier gold and a high tier gold than there is between a bronze and a silver player. They need to expand the threat system and make a reason for people to play against people closer to their own threat. I wish them luck in sorting that out for sure cause that will be what kills or renews the game really.

    That's why I did suggest a Threat Lock.


    Not on the District, but on the player. Can only drop threat, two times a week. For cusp players, that shouldn't be a huge problem, unless they are hoping right back to Bronze, after 1 mission.


    It would stop the chronic dethreaters.

  9. 2 hours ago, RubyGee said:

    Isn't that what they did on the consoles ? Never heard anyone complain about it so I guess that could be a good thing in the short run.

    While kicking players is a bit rough (even though I agree they have nothing to do there), how about slashing the multiplier ?  Like dividing it by 10 or something (e.g.: Gold enf in bronze would only have a 0.2x multiplier at Prestige 5), that would at least prevent them from grinding their levels in bronze. I think I remember this being something a few years back ....

    It wasn't severe enough (they got a negative percentage to their rewards) and didn't stop Role progression.


    Rewards mean nothing to a Max rank with millions. They did it to farm newbies for role progression.

  10. 9 minutes ago, LuzExtinguido said:

    To what you choose obviously...

    Look, how is there so many people voting without problems and you cant? You seems the only one having so much troubles after all i explained over and over :c

    13 voted to yes to nerf and 16 to no to buff...

    So that was 29 that voted to nerf it?


    It doesn't make sense... But, whatever... You... Do you, buddy.

    Just now, BXNNXD said:


    just to expand on my actually serious suggestion, the snr badly needs an actual niche besides “meme gun”, and i think an av secondary weapon would be an interesting way to balance the ubiquity of certain car mods

    Meme Gun? SNR 4 Lyfe! Get Snubbed, baddies.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Sayori said:

    Player retention doesn't mean only newcomers. It includes everyone. It's enough for someone to look at the reviews about APB and decide not to bother at all.

    Most T's I've seen get throw right into mission because auto ready feature and then they just sit in the spawn.

    And game is old, the graphics do not appeal to people these days. The problem is elsewhere not fake golds. And those fake golds most of the time get proper opposition because of the other silvers there.

    Like I said, T's get rekt in silver districts too.



    And why gold players are in silver? And pushing back silvers/fake golds to bronze? Oh, wait, don't answer.

    Ego. I mean, really, that's what it is for a majority of them. Ego. Winning. Because their mommy didn't hug them enough.


    I am not saying all Golds. But... A good majority of them that dropped as soon as they could into Silver.

  12. 1 hour ago, Nite said:

    From that whole Nymphi vs. OP above I'm going to assume what he really should have asked was "Should the SNR be revised or left alone".


    Really though OP, your grasp of grammar seems to be quite liquid.

    Either way, it's more the options that you have. Yes or No answer to that question is still not right. I mean, I get it what they are trying to ask, but the options that are available to properly answer the question are non-existent.


    And, I even gave them an easy way out.






    I wholeheartedly agree with what BXNNXD put down.

  13. 1 minute ago, Sayori said:

    It's been in steady decline because of G1, cheaters and everything. It has nothing to do with unlocked districts at all.


    this is happening in silver district too sometimes. What do we do? And who do we blame?

    Sometimes..... Some times. But that's where Gold's play, so it is expected.


    Not the new guy server. Hell, I hate playing in Bronze. All this weekend, dethreaters or new players. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, Sayori said:

    it struggles with retention for many other reasons, but fake golds is not one of them.

    For a start - a better tutorial will be nice. But like I said...in the edit... those in help are simply children who are barely able to think and process information.


    Sure... R255 Gold 4 Mans stomping R9 T's into paste with OSMAW's, perfect tapfire N-Tecs, OCA, ATAC's are TOTALLY not the first impression people get when starting up the game.


    Brah, you are probably not even in the trenches, and don't understand how bad it is.

    • Like 1

  15. 3 minutes ago, Sayori said:

    "gold". You mean players going silver<->gold all the time.

    If you want the problem to be fixed, fix the ranking system and the matchmatching.  And as far as I know, LO never said that's against ToS, they merely acknowledged the problem and said that the solution lies in new system and matchmaking. 

    And honestly I don't know what do you think you are achieving with "working" with new players....I didn't need special help and I did just fine. If someone is in help maybe this is not the right game for them.

    But have a cookie, pun maybe intended:).


    So, back when I started, the population was, probably around 4k players? (Checked charts, peak was near 5k, and average was around 2.5k) So back then, player retention was... Iffy. If people came, or went, it didn't hurt too much.


    And then they unlocked the Districts.


    And then it's just been a steady decline from there.

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