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Posts posted by DoesntExistAnyMore

  1. ~ How about abandonmission when u have enemies but only in the first mintue of the match , like add more abandon not less  , some players u get in your team refuse to play the match and wanna out of it and they  usually kill the mate or drive around without helping , so if they wanna leave they should have the chance to leave instead of staying and ruin it for the whole team

  2. 3 hours ago, greenfield said:

    Hi everyone. So i see Matt posted that maybe by end of next week we'll have the segregation back


    I understand people who wants it back.. some players in this game are trying so hard that it really kills the fun for everyone else.

    But there is also another side.. Considering the current population, in the low hours its usually only 1 bronze instance active.  So, if, by any chance, you can play only at this time, and you are gold.. then its a game over for you.. 😞


    So with this said, maybe as a work around, why not have this segregation active only on peak hours and disabled in low hours?


    iStopped playing apb  because of the golds , and group of my friends also , we are all basically waiting for the threats districts to come back , no fun for us , so i disagree on this ~

    • Like 1

  3. 18 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    If you manage to actually fill up your ignore list, maybe the problem is you?

    Not really , the game is full of toxic people that 1 ignore list is not enough for them , u get them in enemy , u get them in team mates ~

    18 hours ago, Hexerin said:


    iGet worst whispers than that and honestly i havent seen something like this in any other games , its exclusive for apb 😂 but i understand u and i wish if they can really do something about it ^.^

  4. 5 hours ago, Vnight said:

    Is this your idea of "optimizing" the servers?!

    As if forcing us to play with all those "united yellow intellectuals" isn't enough.

    LO keeps finding ways to experiment on the small lab rat side of the community.


    You bunch keep saying that there were allot of improvements overall, but my overall and surely many others experience isn't very convincing.

    Oh right... i guess the improvements are exclusively for the elite.

    According to the down votes rate section, mostly practiced by the same "protected species," almost every time there is some criticism about the desegregation issues.


    No wonder most of the participants on forums are yellow lobbyists, the newbies don't stick around much to be exploited lab mice.

    Even the left newbies, are probably one of the countless accounts made by them "united bros" that practice playing multiple accounts for a hobby, then throws at others the noob, gitgud and getalife advices on a daily basis.


    No way a solo or a lifer can really enjoy this game, and most of the new players are solo's.

    So cheers for the glorious united guilds, keep those clown cars full and godspeed exploiting everyone and everything this game has to lose.

    iKnow what you mean ~ We can only wait and hope for things to get better ~ 

    • Like 1

  5. 1 hour ago, BrandonBranderson said:

    The non-deployable ammo box, its an orange mod that you unlock from doing the tutorial.  You only keep it out for like 30 seconds I think, and it has a 2 minute cooldown.  The deployable one pretty much made the old orange one useless, but the nerf to the deployable version makes the old one viable again.

    oki ^.^

  6. 6 hours ago, BrandonBranderson said:

    That was the problem with it.  It allowed for a constant unholy rain of nade spam from defending teams who were set up in already easy to defend places.  Or you could use the orange ammo box, that one still resupplies nades.


    Vehicles do really need a rebalance, just don't touch the 4x4's handling and please give the poor Moirai its AWD back.

    whats the orange ammo box 😮

    and at least let us change gun  using it if not resupplying much 

  7. 2 minutes ago, HawtGirl said:

    so this is why it feels so useless now. I thought I just have remember  it wrong.


    regarding the cars, I think they need change. There are only 2 usable ones. 

    However I don't think more speed is what is needed.

    Yes , now u need to use your car to resupply and if u r in a close range area ofc u cant bring ur car inside so basically u gonna be screwed v.v 

    iMiss the old ammo box , idk why they nerfed it , it didnt hurt anyone ~

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