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Posts posted by Similarities

  1. 3 hours ago, Y2Venom said:

    Battle Eye came in with TOS which also spoke about Dethreating. So i brought up dethreating. I have seen players use macro, wall and aimbot so far. My guess is they will be banned soon enough.


    Matt did say that they put in some safeguards to keep BE from going off the rails until they were sure it was implemented properly, perhaps one of them is to manually approve every ban, but that's just speculation.

    3 hours ago, Kast2 said:

    I'm sorry to give a bad news, but having been in these kinds of "communities", the biggest providers of these maleficent tools are already working on how to get around the new anti-cheat. I therefore foresee a return of the cheaters in a few weeks, if not days.


    This means that there is a constant need to complete BE to the maximum.


    There are no public pay cheat sites for any BE protected games (Fortnite, PUBG, etc) so I'm sure we'll see cheaters, but far less than before.

  2. 1 minute ago, ShadowXS said:

    So all bets are off on what the hell it is i got banned for then. Probably some fabricated bullshoot. Now that we all know the dirty little secrets of the old support/GM team and their corruption, at this point I'm not even gonna bother guessing. I'll just have to wait this one out.


    Nevermind, just saw your edit on the post above. Well shit then, long wait for me.

    Good luck, hope that you get seen to soon if anyone else has questions I'll be around to answer them. :classic_happy:

  3. 2 minutes ago, ShadowXS said:

    Interesting. What did you even do? Don't disclose if you don't want to. Now im really curious what the hell i got accused of. One other thing, when did you send your support ticket? I sent mine maybe half an hour ago, so should i expect a response anytime soon or did you send yours ages ago?


    Thanks for staying on here to keep me updated and help out. I need a hand to hold in these sad and desperate times haha

    I'm not sure if I can disclose it because of support/non-disclosure agreement things, people have gotten in trouble on the forums for it before, but I can tell you that it was under the umbrella of harassment apparently. I sent mine in about 3 weeks ago, was #93.

  4. 1 minute ago, ShadowXS said:

    I want to cry now. I don't even know what i did to get banned. And most likely i won't get unbanned automatically which means waiting for weeks for a reply from support, only to either be told I don't fall within the requirements of getting unbanned because i didn't cheat, or to have my account stripped of everything I had because i was abused by some GM who had it out for me, so basically starting from square one. 


    I can't catch a break.

    Well, Similarities just got freed from the chains of 10008 and they told me what I did, so there is hope for you.

  5. 3 minutes ago, RubyGee said:

    Heh, was making sure my drivers wouldn't get blocked xD

    I was testing out the usual stuff, making sure my APBCompat file was working, checking if they blocked any of my config changes, and then also testing out if localization file changes are blocked or not.

    Fyi, localization file changes are allowed from what I can see, didn't block me from opening my game so mission name/killfeed changes should be allowed (to anyone using those)


    EDIT: I just watched that video by Deadliest and that Siovx guy gets btfo by me at 0:45, I was actually unaware he was cheating with how many times I belted him.

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  6. Really, I couldn't care less about my post count, it's not relevant to me, but I do wonder why people who are openly harassing LO don't get the belt the way I did, I'm not saying my warning wasn't deserved because I believe it is, but I think my warning falling under "Spam" is a bit funny, I wouldn't consider shitposting and spam as one in the same, perhaps one should make a "low-quality post" warning instead, as that's what shitposts are, not necessarily spam.



    Enforce your rules though, there's no reason for these people to not get a warning when I did for something not nearly as low-quality.

  7. Scylla/x64Dbg has an option that allows you to dump the image out of memory, if anything, this won't stop cheaters at all, it'll just lower performance at the cost of "protection" (PUBG did this and that game ran god awful for a long time, running a game through a VM is SLOW), also, just "bake" the shaders into the game like UE lets you do if you don't want people cheating with shaders.

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