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Posts posted by Alani

  1. match making isn't as bad as people make it out to be.



    It just needs to be tweaked, because what the match making system looks for conflicts with how mission rewards, mission points, and shit works.



    If matchmaking was based on a kill to death ratio more so on a who scored more points per mission basis, it would be less of an issue as it is now.

  2. Dethreating is not necessary at all.



    You people are being matched because your dumbasses go to bronze district, kill and kill until you are gold. Then when you quit the game, you log into the silver district and get your asses handed to you because according to the system you are at the level of everyone else. Until you lose a bunch of missions, you will be matched with people of your skill level.



    It happens to me all the time and I only play in silver. I get matched up against people who are either at my level or better. When I lose 3 missions to people who are better than me, match making hits me with someone either far below my skill level due to how bad I played, or someone of my equal skill.




    The people who sit in bronze and then go to silver and become matched against people like me, are not due to matchmaking at fault. It is due to you being placed in a higher skill level and match making is assuming you are skilled due to how you stomped on everyone in bronze.



    Match making is bad in the game, but it is not that bad. It just needs to be tweaked better and maybe account for the people who farm in bronze and think they're bad at the game when they're just refusing to get better.

  3. 37 minutes ago, ShaiShai said:

    you mean high silvers, when we play in silver district we get our patootie handed to us , say your green /high green that randomly hits bronze now and then, and you play in green district, and make bronze, how would you feel if your told to play in bronze when you know for a fact you cant handle that district, thats how us high silvers feel atm, we cant handle silver district cuz of all the golds there, so unless they fix the threat system (which i hear they want to do) or make districts locked, we all suffer

    calling yourself a 'high silver' and then going into a district where everyone is much less adapted to the game than you and claiming that you are justified in doing so is really awful.


    if they fix the threat system, people will still abuse how each district is separated by threat level because of this same reasoning of 'high silvers' being so bad at the game they feel the need to go into a district with players of a much lower skill level than them.



    golds are not as good as you think. it is only a small percentage of the playerbase who are even remotely good at the game in the first place. this is just a shitty excuse you tell yourself in order to feel justified stomping on lesser skilled players.

    • Like 1

  4. 14 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    People always acting like only their opp has nades or only their opp can spam them, or that there arent other things you can do vs nade spam.

    Adapt and overcome my friends, adapt and overcome.




    instead it would be better to change how grenades work to suit the playstyle of a specific person instead of letting them learn how to play the game.


    too much work is involved with getting better at the game and learning. its easier to fix everything around how i play

    • Thanks 1

  5. the only people who are going to be upset over things like a UI change, weapon change, or car change are going to be those who see major flaws in them.



    I do not actually think anyone will car if the UI is changed so long it is better than the original and doesnt drop your frames by 60 when you open up a menu.



    A lot of people will complain about the weapon change if the person tweaking the weapons turns out to have a completely different vision than them.


    The only vehicle change I see would be performance wise. A lot of the vehicles have quirks that really shouldn't change unless theyre outright bugs.

    • Like 1

  6. 3 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    I just hope whomever is making these calls has played APB for more than 2 months.



    ... Im anxious. 


    no instead they will use the input from a select group of players who are 'gold threat' and speak as if they know the inside and outs of every weapon and trick on apb.




  7. majority of the people in the 'gold threat' already play competitively.



    Adding some form of competitive would just add to the toxicity issue in the playerbase. Lol

  8. 1 minute ago, Darkzero3802 said:

    If this keeps up there guna have to start handing out compensation packages. At this point its old and its happening so often ppl cant play and enjoy the game, LO has to take immediate action to get rid if this issue or face a severe drop off in playerbase.


    you claim compensation is mandatory. unless u havent known about this they are currently working on new solutions to solve the server stability issues and the 'DDoS attacks'


    whats left of the playerbase is literally everyone who has been playing since the start of the year. people only show back up when they see announcements like company take overs, events, and new miniscule findings of 'hope' involved.


    then the playerbase decreases again until another announcement, event, or new 'hope.'

  9. 9 minutes ago, Glubbable said:

    How exactly would they be able too judge players based on global, anonymous data? Let alone, determine how cheat software gets detected. Or did you misunderstand what I asked?


    its not hard to bypass client side software checks


    sharing statistical information is just asking for people to tweak their settings to skirt detection. closets are closets for a reason lmao

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