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Posts posted by Player_Zer01

  1. 1 hour ago, MattScott said:

    Hi all,


    As much as Selali came out and took responsibility for this, we are also seeing the ‘cost’ of a changed policy. 


    Coming from kids games, my initial reaction in the Q&A was that I didn’t want to see nudity in the game. On a personal level, I’m not bothered by nudity in the slightest. But I still believe that it doesn’t add value here. Players aren’t given agency on seeing nudity or the questionable symbols other players sometimes use. Consent is the key - not the actual content.


    However, after that stream it became clear that policing nipples was not a good use of our time.  It is after all an 18+ M rated game. There is a warning label on the game that should properly set expectations, so we went back to G1’s long standing rules.


    Those types of changes (which I believe was the right thing to do) still have a cost. Now I try to go back and edit posts so that later visitors get the full context and ‘final word’. It’s my attempt to prevent confusion and this exact situation in the future. 


    Honestly, we (not the GM in question) deserve a little chiding on this. 


    My advice to the community is to keep watching and see if we keep making the same mistakes... you’re seeing how the sausage is made in realtime. Lots of growth and learning happening across the entire team. That’s inexperience.


    If we keep making the same mistakes, then we’re incompetent.





    ....so is bare chest for men/females allowed or not? if youre going by G1s rules then bare chest is FINE and should be told to everyone of your team. i would say make this known for any future hires that you have as well so nothing gets messed up again.

  2. On 10/25/2018 at 3:11 AM, LilyV3 said:

    wow a halloween event thats starts, around halloween and not 3 weeks before it. nice.


    yes and no really. 


    yes because it kinda fits with it being close to the holiday


    no as if the even is time consuming then this makes it harder for 1. its in the middle of the week and 2. the window may be shorter to do the event. this is why the headless horseman was weeks long so you didnt have to feel the need to rush.

  3. 17 hours ago, Toolmaker said:

    I don't know if its mention but what about ppl using blowtorch for the Armor Truck.Its 2vs2 you have a silver in ur team against 2 golds they running and fixing that Truck all the time until you start shooting to them and they run away...

    if you're shooting a vehicle with AV weapons and they are repairing the vehicle faster then you or your teammate is dealing damage then both of you need to aim better. in a 2v2 1 person is driving the other is shooting or repairing. if the runners are just repairing then the shooter for the chasers would over power them since 1 person cant repair faster then the shooter hitting their vehicle. 

  4. this is still being brought up as a bad thing? if they didnt remove the item weighting down vehicles then its your own fault for letting them run with it in the first place. you have the tools in game to down runners like this, use them. most people claim to be good at this game but yet are unable to catch a group of people driving in a weighted vehicle going slower? ill get downvotes sure but the facts are still there. 

    • Thanks 1

  5. 8 hours ago, Sayori said:
    But they still can find the account which made the purchase.... Sure, you can use "proxy" account even though before gifting you had to have a purchase of 5$(?) and 30 days passed since that.
    Maybe they need to make a rank requirement too. Something like Rank 100 Even 195 is acceptable. No reason to ban the recipient and remove gifting
    APB is not the only game where people do charge backs. LO really needs to add rank requirement and enable it. Lock it to Rank 195, still better than no gifting. Who will get their r195 account banned?
    @MattScott, @Lixil Why don't you want my money?
    usually the person that did the charge back was on a new account that was meant to be deleted after doing the action. this was why for a long time people were saying dont accept gifts from random players. 

  6. 3 hours ago, somcs said:

    when is armas gifting coming back? i wanna buy my friends stuff

    no reason to even take it away 

    2 hours ago, Sadira said:

    it was taken away because people kept abusing it with chargebacks

    this was the reason it was removed. to many people would do charge backs on things they bought from the store but the person getting the ban was whoever got the gift, not the sender.  
    2 hours ago, Keshi said:

    I mis gifting my gf stuffs...cuz idk what to spend money on now... but people always ruin shit for people... what i dont get is "g1 doesnt allow refund" but yet for somereason can chargeback

    thats because a charge back goes through the bank, not G1.

  7. On 7/12/2018 at 8:32 AM, LilyV3 said:

    Funny how g1 had GM's doing events and players trolled the.
    Funny how tiggs streamed and got trolled and whatever.

    It's not G1's fault that communication ended it's how players treated them. And I wonder how long it needs till LO acts the same. And then all these bad people can finally beat the Scapegoat LO for scewing up.

    For me APB now turned into a social experiment and I just wanna see of LO ges the road g1 did and history repeats or if things happen different and how the bad parts of the community try to screw that up too.

    other things i expect to die within the next 2 years:  Post reactions, Polls.

    well this is some what true but the GMs in game would often troll players that werent in the events and would also get a ban for trying to fight back after being asked to be left alone. we've all seen this many times in happening. tiggs was often trolled due to her and most of the community not liking her for one reason or another. 

    and really it was G1s fault for info coming to a dead halt since the signed a NDA (which was not very bright) which left the community with no info on anything for months. so far LO has made good on their promises but yes it will turn ugly the day the mess up greatly.... well actually they already did with fight club but they did rectify that VERY quick. but as of right now G1 and LO are on 2 very different roads which is good for LO. 

  8. in all seriousness invest in a punching bag. when you find yourself angry got straight to it. dont focus on yelling when hitting it. focus just solely on punching it. this will help for a time. also i would say go to either another relative to talk to or look online for anger management classes in your area, police stations and/or hospitals also may have info on this. for now dont punch walls as it would do anything instead punch a pillow. they are softer and can take a good hit plus are cheaper to replace if destroyed.

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