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Everything posted by exziztence

  1. ye whatever i just want the pr2 anyways
  2. well, either way im sure there are some people who would like to purchase it, myself included, but this can also go for the other guns that were randomly retired too. should bring back the silverado too, no point in removing items off of a website. im sure there is still demand for these items
  3. i dont know what youre talking about, the lcr is actually pretty decent, the regular star doesnt 6 shot at 79 meters lmao
  4. if they are aware of the gun im sure they find it silly that g1 decided to retire a weapon to make room on a website lol, hope to see it added back for this sale though
  5. little orbit probably doesn't know that the gun even exists considering G1 'retired' it before LO acquired the game, even though they brought it back during every sale lol
  6. 4th of july would be a perfect time
  7. yeeeeeee but I realllllllllllly want a couple of items, it will be fixed eventually
  8. I want to spend money on the game and I don't mind the current prices as long as they are 50% off
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