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About xXOnryoXx

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  1. I wish they would revert sprint back to making you show on the radar again lol. I really miss that cause it make people slow down and think about it.
  2. You sir/ma'am are a life saver. I NEVER out of everything i tired and thought to try, considered uninstalling Phys and installing it directly from ABPs folder. I think you much for the working fix! Thank you so much for offering the help! The PhysX fix though did the trick. Thank you again for offering help!
  3. Im really hoping the right person happens to see this that knows how to help me...
  4. I was hoping the patch today might fix this but it hasn't. Is there anyone out there who can please help me?
  5. Fast update after digging though the logs i found this ErrorCode : 0x6146B7BA and i can find zero info on this error.
  6. Hello, as my title says after updating i hit play then a get a white screen and shortly after a crash. Im running on a Nevida rig at the moment, tho strange about this to me is my other PC an older AMD build i have been playing the game on just fine with no issues. I could litterly hook up my AMD and play it no probs then swap over to this and get nowhere. The game isnt really giving me an error code it just says Breakpoint but it is saving the logs. Has anyone herd of this and is there a way to fix it?
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